Chapter 13 - Muffins, Minecraft, & Moonlight

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TW: Swearing


I sat up and stretched. I guess I had fallen asleep at Zak's. He didn't seem to be in the room at the moment, and I yawned. I don't think Cara or Noah would notice that I wasn't at home. I also didn't want to go to the house because of Noah. I shook the thoughts from my head and decided to focus on finding Zak. I got up from his bed and walked around his room. I looked at all the pictures on his wall. There were lots of him with his friends; well, our friends. I grinned. I made it to the door and peered outside. I stepped out of his room and looked down to the bottom floor. There I saw Zak in the kitchen making food or something.

I stepped down the stairs carefully. He had steep stairs, and I was nervous I would fall. Luckily I made it down safely and slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, Darryl!"

He had a silly grin on his face which made me smile.

"I was wondering if you wanted to bake something with me. Like a cake or something!"

I nodded my head.

"Yeah, that seems fun. But I should probably change."

I pointed to my t-shirt and shorts, which probably weren't the right clothes for the job.

"I mean, these aren't even my clothes, so I don't know where they go." I nervously laughed.

"I put your clothes in the washing machine. You can wear some of my clothes if you'd like."

Zak pointed me to where his closet was and then left so I could change.

I looked around his closet and at all his clothes. His whole closet consisted of blue hoodies and t-shirts. He had a small collection of jeans and a lot of shorts. I settled on a blue hoodie and a pair of jeans. As I put his hoodie on, It was huge. It went down to a few inches above my knees. I mean, I didn't think I was that much shorter than him, but I guess I was wrong. I went to put on a pair of his jeans before I realized that they were way too big for me. I sighed as I put them back and just decided to wear the shorts I was wearing earlier. It looked like I wasn't wearing any pants, but oh well.

I walked out of his room and outside to the stairs. I climbed down them again, step-by-step. I slid into the kitchen and sat at the counter.

Zak slid me a big book and told me to pick something out of it. I opened it up and flipped through the many pages. There were cakes, cupcakes, pies, and tons of other stuff. As I was flipping through it, one section caught my eye. Muffins. They looked like what I had eaten at Caras's house a few days prior. I showed Zak, and he nodded. I picked out chocolate-chip muffins, and Zak started to grab all the ingredients from the cabinets and fridge. Zak told me to grab a bowl and some measuring scoops. He pointed me to the cabinet, and I gathered the items.

Zak taught me how to measure the ingredients and follow the instructions. After about an hour, we put them in the oven and looked at the big mess we had made. We decided just to clean it up later, and we sat at the counter to talk. Zak suggested inviting everyone over so we could play Minecraft. I thought it would be fun to finally learn, and I watched as Zak told everyone about the plan.

A little while later, I heard the oven beep. Zak went over to check the muffins, and I checked my phone.

1 New Text From Cara

"Court tomorrow, 2 o'clock."

I frowned. Court was not something I was looking forward to. I wish I could take Zak with me; he made me feel safe. It would especially be helpful around Mother and Father. Zak started to walk over towards me with a concerned look.

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