Chapter 7 - Lunchtime

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TW: Swearing


4th period was finally over, and I could barely hold in my excitement. I invited Darryl to come to sit with my friend group and me. I hoped they would accept him as our friend, and he could join us. Even though I had just met Darryl this morning, I really liked him; he seemed sweet. 

"Skeppy!" I saw Noah running towards me.

"Hey, Foolish!" I laughed. Sometimes we'd like to call each other by our Minecraft names; it was just a silly thing we did in our friend group.

"I hope you don't mind that I invited someone to sit with us at lunch." I said as we stepped into the cafeteria.

"Oh, yea! That's fi-" He stopped talking and stared at our table with an annoyed expression. 

"What's wrong?" I questioned. 

"You invited Darryl? Darryl? That guy is a weirdo. What were you thinking?" He had a slight tone of anger in his voice.

"Well, he seems sweet. I talked to him after math class and-" 

"Shut up. You guys can either sit with him or me." 

"Foolish, what the fuck? You've never acted like this; you're being over-dramatic. Let's just go over and sit. You don't even have to-" He interrupted me again.

"IT'S ME OR HIM, ZAK." He yelled in an angry tone. I stepped back; What the hell is wrong with him? I shook my head. 

"Listen, Noah. I don't know why you're acting like such an asshole, but I'm going to sit with him." He yelled some stuff at me as I walked away, but I just ignored him. 

Why is he acting like such a bitch? I bet he hasn't even talked with Darryl, and he probably hasn't even had any classes with him. Maybe he doesn't want a new person in the group? I sighed as I sat down at the table next to Darryl.

 My friend Alex looked at me with a concerned look before asking,

"What just happened? And wheres Noah going?" 

"He didn't want to sit with us." I fidgeted with my fingers questioning whether I should say the reason.

"He didn't want to sit with Darryl." Everyone at the table looked at Darryl with a surprised look. 

"I'm- I'm sorry. I can leave if- leave if you want." Darryl fidgeted with his hoodie strings and stared at the table. I put my hand on his arm gently. 

"We don't want you to leave. Noah is just being a bitch- he'll get over it eventually." He jumped when I spoke, so I quickly moved my hand away. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"No, sorry- I just don't like those- words." 

"I'm sorry. We'll try not to swear around you." I looked at everyone else at the table, so they got the hint. 

"Anyways, let me introduce you to everyone. There's Nick, Vincent, Alex, Karl, Dave, Arron, Ant, and George." They all waved to Darryl and said a couple of "Hello"s. He smiled softly, then looked at me. And holy shit, I never realized how pretty his eyes were. They had so many layers- Like I could get lost in them. They seemed so broken, but so caring and sweet. 

"Ayo Zak?" I looked away from Darryl and over to Arron. He had this particular look on his face, and I knew he was about to say something dumb.

"You better not say anything." I muttered, resting my head on my arm.

Arron, or as we liked to call him, "Vurb," always makes dumb jokes about me and other guys. Ever since I came out to him, he won't stop, and it drives me completely insane

I mostly listened as everyone else talked for the whole lunch period, sometimes adding in when I wanted to. When no one was looking, I'd study Darryl. The way he spoke, acted, looked; was slightly odd to me. He seemed not to know what everyone was talking about half the time and only spoke with simple words. He was also really skinny- he appeared to have bruises on his neck and scratches all over his face. I wondered if anyone else had noticed. 

The bell rang, indicating that lunch was over. I decided to help walk Darryl to his next class before heading to mine. 

Why did I care so much about him? I mean, gosh, I just met this guy this morning.

(Sorry, I feel like this chapter is a little jumpy- xd But here are the names of everyone, in case you're confused! :D - Vincent:A6d - Nick:Sapnap - Alex:Quckity - Karl:KarlJacobs - Arron:Vurb - Ant:Antfrost - George:Spifey)

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