Chapter 5 - Cara's House

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TW: Swearing


It had been about a week since we were brought into the hospital. I was told that we were finally leaving and being put into "Foster Care?" I wasn't sure what it was, but hopefully, my sister and I could hang out! We've been busy with surgery and other stuff, so we haven't been able to see each other. It was especially hard the days following my brother's passing. I feel like it was slightly my fault. If I had gotten out sooner, maybe he would have made it.


I glanced up from my hands and looked to the door. There stood a tall woman, with long, white, puffy hair. I stood up from the hospital bed I was sitting on.

"Hello- Can I help you?" I fidgetted with the hoodie strings to the black-and-red hoodie a nurse had given me earlier in the week. The woman gave me a kind smile before introducing herself.

"I'm Cara. You'll be staying with me! It's nice to meet you."

Excitement brewed up inside me.

"Have you met my sister? She'd be excited for when we go to your house if you could do her hair!" I said in an excited tone. "Your hair looks beautiful! Maybe you could teach me so-" Cara cut me off.

"Actually... Your sister isn't coming to my house."

I stared at her in disbelief. She's gotta be joking right? There's no way we would be separated. I laughed a bit before saying,

"Your joking right? Come on, let's go to her room and see her!" I tried walking towards the door but Cara stopped me.

"Listen, I cant take both of you. Your sisters going somewhere else." She said it in a flat tone, the smile disappearing from her face. I stepped back.

"Get out." I mumbled.


"Just leave!" I hissed. Tears started forming in my eyes. I didn't want to go with Cara. I didn't want to leave my sister.

"We're leaving in thirty minutes. Be ready." She said before disappearing into the hallway.

I dragged myself over to my hospital bed and cried into my hands. They realized that we had just gotten out of that house of horror- and now they're separating us? I've already lost one sibling. I don't want to lose another. I wiped my eyes and nose on my hoodie sleeve and shoved all my stuff into a backpack. I slung it over my shoulder and then sprinted over to my sister's room. I opened the door and peered inside. She was laying on her bed, tube in arm, watching something on the TV. She had worse wounds than me, so she had to stay longer than I did. I walked in and threw my bag next to her bed. I climbed onto her bed and watched the TV with her. I rolled my hoodie strings into little rolls and let go.

"They're taking me away from you." I said quietly.

The room was quiet aside from the TV.

"In thirty minutes. I want to spend every last second I have left with you." I looked into her eyes. They were clouded with tears. She pulled me into a hug.

"I'll miss you so much. I don't know if I'll be able to live without you." She whispered. I hugged her tighter. We sat like that, talking until I heard a very familiar voice call my name.

I broke away from her, my eyes red and cheeks wet. I hopped out of the bed and grabbed my bag.

"Wait!" I whipped around and saw her holding a necklace. I walked over and notice they connected.

"I requested a nurse to get me these. We'll always be together." She gave me a sad smile, tears streaming down her face. I grabbed one half and put it around my neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said it like I was about to break with one final word. I just turned around and took one final glance at her before I left and followed Cara out of the hospital.

The car ride to Cara's house was almost completely silent the only thing you could hear was my sobs. I cried the whole way there. As we pulled into a neighborhood, she broke the silence.

"I have two sons named Noah and Clay. Clay is usually at his friend's house so you won't see him much." She didn't even turn around to look at me. It's like, she completely switched depending on who was around.

"And wipe those tears out of your eyes. Boys don't cry. Your acting like a child."

We pulled up into the driveway and I looked at the house. Cara turned off the car and got out. I did the same, grabbing my bag from next to me. I shut the car door and followed her to the front door. She unlocked it and then opened it. The house looked so different compared to what I considered a "Normal" house to look like. There was no trash on the ground, everything looked spotless. I only had a quick second to admire the house before being brought to my room. She told me that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't bother her. She then walked off, and I closed the bedroom door and looked around. Everything was nicely decorated. I had a bed that wasn't a bunk bed, and a ton of room. I set my bag down on my bed and pulled out the few items I owned. They were basically all gifts from people, who had heard about what happened. Apparently, some people had raised money to pay for our hospital bills, some basic items, and some money for other stuff. I thought it was nice that people would do that. Some went to even send us stuff. Which is why I have my new hoodie. It's my favorite thing ever. It's slightly oversized, and the sleeves and cover my hands. I like how it covers all my scars and my skinniness. I took out a few clothes, some books, and a few stuffies. I put it all on my bed before walking over to a closet. Inside was lots of clothes. I'm assuming for me. I hung the clothes I had brought in the closet and then walked over to the other door. My own bathroom. I was amazed. I never imagined a room like this. Let alone thought about me staying in one! I decided to shower and then go downstairs and see the rest of the house.

After my shower, I changed into some shorts and a black T-shirt I found in the closet. I then opened my bedroom door and went downstairs. I admired every simple piece of the house. I stepped to the bottom floor and noticed a kid playing a game on the tv. I'm guessing it was Noah. The game was entirely made of squares which I thought was quite odd, but I ignored him and just kept looking around. I walked through the kitchen, letting the cold tiles cool my feet.


I turned around and saw the kid staring at me with a look of confusion on his face.

"You're that kid my mom was talking about right?"

I nodded slowly. Noah carefully studied me, looking at my visible arms and legs.

"What happened?"

I wasn't sure if I should tell him, considering It seemed like I was just some entertainment while he grabbed some chips from the kitchen. But he was going to be my "brother" now, so I just decided to tell him.

"Mother and Father did it to me. And my name's Darryl." I said nervously and he stared at me. A smile appeared on his face and then he laughed.

"Mother and Father? Just say parents dumbass!" I flinched at the words he said. He snickered before walking back over to his game. I remember Mother and Father screaming those words at me. I hated them. I would have cried right then and there, but I remembered what Cara had said earlier. I decided to just go back up to my room.  I didn't want to be in the way. I had nothing better to do. I walked up the stairs, only struggling a bit. As I reached the top I saw Cara standing over me.

"Do you want anything to eat?" She only again said it in a flat tone, emotionless-like. I shook my head no.

"I'm just going to bed. Thanks though."

I quickly darted past her and into my room. Although I didn't actually want to sleep, I did anyway. I just wanted to skip to tomorrow, praying that it would get better.

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