Chapter 11 - The Bathroom

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TW: Knife, Swearing, Blood, Mentions of Murder


Today was finally Friday, and I was excited to have some days off school; it was a lot more tiring than I remember. My first four classes went quickly. At lunch today, I talked about the videos I had watched about Minecraft. Everyone else was excited to know I had gone and watched DanTDM. He was an old favorite of theirs. We chatted away about him, ignoring Noah as he yelled rude things to us across from the cafeteria. After lunch, I walked to my afternoon classes peacefully.

After school, I went to my locker. I told Zak and the others that I'd meet them outside. We were going to go to nick's house, and they were going to teach me how to play Minecraft.

After I switched out my stuff for the weekend and then walked through the quiet hallways. I was so distracted; I didn't realize a guy was peeking through a bathroom door. I was grabbed from the hallway and pulled into a bathroom. I was thrown to the floor, which made me yelp in pain. The kid locked the bathroom door before turning around. It was Noah. I scooted away and over to the wall.

"Noah- What- What do you want?" I was terrified. What did he want? Why wouldn't he leave me alone? That's when I realized something in his hand; He was holding a knife.

"I've finally got you. You won't ruin my life for much longer." He waved the knife around in the air.

"Noah, I don't understand... Why are you doing this..." I whispered, my eyes started to fill with tears.

"You've made my life hell! You made me lose all my fucking friends; you ruined my life at home, everything!" He screamed. He then smiled at me before saying in a dull tone,

"Good thing you'll be out of here in a few weeks when you turn eighteen. Cara was just using you for some quick money from the foster care system. Once your out, you'll live on the streets."

I sat there shocked. It was- just for the money? I blinked hard, the tears in my eyes finally falling.

"Now, for ruining my life, you'll have to pay." I tried to get away, but I failed. He ended up pinning me against the wall, knife up to my neck.

"Noah- please... I never did anything! You just were mean to me for no reason!" My tears were silent as they fell down my face and onto my hoodie.

"Shut the fuck up right now!" He swung the knife near my face, putting a cut through my cheek. I tried to squirm away, but he was strong and held me against the wall well. Tears kept falling from my cheeks, my salty tears making the cut burn as they fell.

"I just wanted to be your friend. I never wanted this." I whispered through my crying. There was a lot of blood everywhere, and I thought these were going to be my last minutes.

The bathroom felt silent. Noah dropped the knife and stumbled backward. It fell and made a loud noise on the tiled ground. I held my face and looked at Noah. I didn't know how to explain him. There was just something.. severely wrong. I started to hurry along the wall towards the exit. He didn't move. He just stood staring at the bloodied knife. I ran for it. I unlocked the door and ran. I ran down the hallway and saw Zak looking around for me. I ran towards him before my vision went black.


I stared down at the knife. What just happened? I looked at all the blood on my hands.

I- just-

I shook my head-

No No No No-

My eyes watered with tears. I hurt Darryl. I shook my head. I mean, I made fun of him a bit sure- But this? This is too far- It shouldn't have come to this. I backed away from the mess, my hands shaking. What's wrong with me? I mean, yeah, sure, I had been planning what to do after I killed him.

Killed him.

I was- going to kill someone.

I walked over to the sink and washed the blood off my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror, then down at the knife. I picked it up off the ground and threw it in the trash can. I used cold water and hand soap to clean up all the blood. I stood at the exit, holding my backpack.

My mind told me to grab the knife and try again. I was struggling to fight the thoughts. I knew deep down I was being a bitch. Cara had told me about what he had been through. But for some reason, the thoughts in my head told me to do this stuff. This wasn't me. It wasn't even Darryl's fault I had lost all my friends.

It was mine.

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