Chapter 33: Alek Russo

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Chapter 33: Alek Russo

"Can you snort weed?" I hiccup, a half-finished bottle of wine in my hands.

Diego giggles, "No man, that's so stupid."

"How do you know?" Lorenzo asks with a huff, sounding terribly offended. "Have you tried it?"

Diego gasps, "Maybe! Maybe I have. Maybe I haven't. You'll never know!"

"He's definitely tried snorting weed," I tell my brother. "He's a fucking idiot."

Diego makes a mean face in our direction and takes a swig from his bottle. About an hour ago, Diego and Lorenzo found me raiding my father's winery, taking as many bottles my arms could possibly hold.

"Want help, bro?" Diego had asked.

I'd said yes, obviously. Lorenzo just tagged along, muttering something about supervising me and Diego's drinking but wounded up drinking more than both of us combined.

"Tell me Enzo," Diego starts once more. "What's got your panties in a twist?"

Lorenzo scowls, "I don't wear panties."

"Okay, what's got your boxers in a twist?"

"Your mom," he says and bursts out laughing.

Diego scoffs, "That wasn't even funny. My mom's dead."

Lorenzo stops laughing.

"You know what's funny?" I say loudly, taking another long drink. "That I have the biggest ass of all three of us."

Diego gasps, flabbergasted, "You've been measuring your ass? Since when?"

"Don't you know? He does booty work every night before he goes to sleep," Lorenzo grins.

I whack the idiot on the head, "Lies. I was born with it."

"Liar," Diego says, his toes poking my stomach. "You're the biggest liar in this entire damn house."

"You're a liar, Diego," Lorenzo says with narrowed eyes. "Don't call my brother a liar."

I laugh, "Dora's cousin! Diego is Dora's cousin!"

Lorenzo and I burst out laughing, rolling on the floor and slapping our knees. I haven't laughed this hard in ages.

Diego does not seem pleased. "You guys are losers. Stop bullying me!"

"What a baby," Lorenzo coos.

I don't think I've ever seen my brother this drunk before in my life.

"Tell us, Enzo," I say. "What's got you drinking this early in the morning?"

He rolls his eyes as if the answer is the most obvious thing in the world. I mean, I am so drunk that if someone asked me what two plus two was, I'd say ten. I mean, two plus two is ten right? Right???

"No, Alek, two plus two is four, idiot," Diego throws his shoe at my face. "God, how did you even graduate?"

"He didn't," Lorenzo replies for me. "He paid off the professors and threatened their family lives."

"I wasn't actually going to kill them!" I whisper, horrified that Lorenzo was saying such a thing. "Diego! You know that!"

Diego looks like a terrified wife after their husband tells her he cheated on her. He pretends to wipe the corner of his eyes and sniffles, "What beast have I raised? Who even are you?"

I kick his stomach, making him groan.

Lorenzo flops onto the floor onto his back, a finished drink in his hand. He stares at the ceiling as if it's the most mesmerizing thing in the entire world.

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