Chapter 34: Mae Kazimi

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Chapter 34: Mae Kazimi

I jump so high I think the top of my head grazes the ceiling and I feel as if my ass has been set on fire. Thankfully, Alek looks equally as horrified because he jumps to his feet as fast as he can.

"That was an accident," he stammers, going pale.

Hold on.

Alek Russo is stammering? Since the fuck when?

I look at him and he looks at me. He looks at me and I look at him.

And then Alek bursts out laughing.

I don't think I've ever seen this man so unhinged in my life. He's always been so horribly brooding and lonely and boring, seeing him like this is like seeing a new person entirely.

Alek jumps onto his bed on his stomach, his face in his pillow. He lets out a loud content sigh as if me landing on his lap was his entire life mission and now that it has been fulfilled, he can die happy.

Except I know that's not true.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "Please never get drunk ever again."

"Do you want to cuddle?" He asks brightly, turning his face to the side. "I feel so cold."

"It's because you're naked," I point to his very shirtless top.

He laughs again, "Oops."

I think I must be on drugs because I've lost count on how many times this man has laughed already.

"You're going to be so embarrassed tomorrow," I say, as a horrible and terrible evil plan forms in my head and I pull out my phone. "You're going to hate yourself."

"I already hate myself," he says with a loud sigh.


I sit on the bed beside him. I pull out the camera app on my phone and take a couple hundred pictures of him with his ass to the sky and his horribly smooth shirtless back.

I grin.

"Okay, anyway," I say, the camera app still open. "Let's talk about-"

"About drugs. Do you have any drugs on you?"

"Excuse me?"

I instantly press record.

He turns his face towards me, left cheek against his pillow, "Drugs, Mae. Do you do drugs?"


"Me neither," he says proudly. "Drugs are bad for you."

"I know."

"How rich are you?" he asks.

I frown, scratching my head, "Probably richer than you."

He closes his eyes, his entire body moving in silent laughter, "You can't be. I basically own Italy."

"You do not," I argue, brushing hair away from my face with a scowl. "That's not even remotely possible."

"Well you better believe it, baby, because it's living proof," he grins.

I open and close my mouth, speechless. And then I come to a conclusion that makes very, very much sense.

He's possessed.

That must be it. Avery probably did some voodoo on him with whatever witchery she does and learned and did an evil spell on him and got him possessed by one of the nice funny princes of hell. I think I read a book like that once. Maybe Avery is controlling his every move? Maybe a ghost who died in this house took over his body. Maybe Alek let this happen. Maybe Alek doesn't exist. Maybe he never existed and he was just a figment of my imagination-

".....Mae, are you listening?" Alek slaps my knee lightly. "Did you hear what I said?"

"About what?" I ask, blinking in surprise.

He sighs loudly and moves to fix his position on the bed but instead, his body slips off the bed.

There's a loud THUD.

I burst out in laughter. Thankfully, I've gotten everything on my phone and I instantly put it away and get off the bed to shove Alek into the washroom so he can wash his face.

Turns out, I don't have to shove him forcefully in the washroom because he gets to his feet and lumbers inside himself, slamming the door shut behind him.

As I lay on his bed, legs crossed one over another, I hear the sound of the shower running in the washroom. I let out a loud sigh because I know how long Alek is going to take, so I plop myself onto his pillow and close my eyes.

I don't plan on falling asleep of course. I just need some time to think.

My brain instantly goes to Yan. I think about how I now hold all the notes her father made on The Blue Stars, and how we can use it to our advantage. Perhaps we can lure them out? Or maybe her father included some people who have connections in his many notebooks and papers? My wounds are still healing, and I promised to bring Rashid, Kai and Avery with me if I were to go anywhere. But....the question is, is Yan legit?

The feeling continues to gnaw at me. What if she's secretly working with The Blue Stars and she's here to infiltrate and kill Alek's entire family? Because if that's the case, then I've brought her to the heart of her enemies home and she's got every chance to kill them.

But then there's Alek's mother. No, stepmother. What does she have to do with Alek's poisoning? It would make sense that she wants him out of the way so her own son Lorenzo can become the heir and take Alek's spot....but....she wouldn't do something as drastic as that that would put her in such a spotlight. Or perhaps she was desperate.

Something is wrong. Very, very wrong. And I just can't get my hands on it. No matter how many scenarios I create, how many boards I make in my mind, I just don't understand who is behind this all.

Who wants Alek out of the way?

Lorenzo is not on my list. He's the only one I believe has absolutely nothing to do with this. I've seen him with Alek, he loves him like his own brother. He also doesn't seem to have much interest in the mafia.

Diego is Alek's best friend, and he wouldn't get anything from Alek's death. And plus, he and Lorenzo had so many chances to get rid of Alek. They are definitely not on my list.

But Alek's father and step-mother on the other hand....

No one would stand up to them and demand justice if they are the ones behind all of this. It's because they hold all the power. But then they also wouldn't do something as obvious as trying to kill Alek....right? Anyone would know it was them.

As my body begins to relax and my mind begins to float away into the darkness, I can't help but wonder.

Who's User111? Is he behind all of this?

I don't get a chance to ponder on it for too long because darkness consumes my exhausted body and I fall asleep.


some relaxed chapters after all the action that has happened these past few chapters. hope I'm not boring yall or anything lmao

anyways, thanks for reading! Vote, comment and share if ur hot :)

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