Chapter 45: Mae Kazimi

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(listen to serial killer by Lana Del Rey for a better experience)


Chapter 45: Mae Kazimi

"Bomb?" I think Tommasso is so pale that he might faint. "A bomb?"

Mal has stopped crying and now she looks dully at us. I think she's dead now. That's usually what happens when you lose someone you love. It breaks you and breaks you until there's nothing left to break. It's like a hammer falling on top of your heart again and again.

There is no mercy in grief.

After all, mercy is for the weak.

Alek swallows, "Excuse me-"

"No," Tommasso whispers, grabbing his arm. "You will not fucking leave. Not when you had one job! One fucking job Alek! One job to protect your little brother!"

"Like you protected Matteo?" Alek roars, running aggressive hands through his hair as he looks at his father. "Like you protected me?"

Silence. Silence. Silence.

The silence is so loud I can hear my heartbeat.

"I tried, father," Alek says, voice cracking. "I tried so hard. I swear. There's not a moment when I don't wish it was me instead of him. You'd be happy then, wouldn't you? You'd finally be happy. Finally have the family you want."

Tommasso is digging his nails into his arm, "You're right, Alek. I do wish it was you in his place."

Alek flinches.

"Was losing Matteo not enough for you?" Tommasso continues, dropping his hand from Alek's arm. "Was your mother's death not enough for you?"

"Stop," I tell him.

Tommasso whirls towards me and I see the immense hatred in them that it makes me blink. "How long has he been dead? How long has my son been fucking dead? How long?"

"Around three days," I whisper. Avery's nails dig into my palm.

Tommasso grabs his head and stands there as he stares down at his feet. I know the storm is about to come. I know because I can feel it.

The silence stretches on for a few minutes and all of us wait and wait and wait for Tommasso to speak. But Alek's father stands there, head hanging in his hands and the clock ticks loudly inside my ears. I want to run. I want to run. I want to disappear.

"Now that he's dead," Tommasso looks up. He's smiling. "I no longer have to hide."

"What are you talking about?" Alek asks shakily. "Your son is dead and your fucking smiling about it?"

Tommasso begins to laugh and laugh and laugh. His voice is the only thing we hear in the silent dining room.

"I killed Matteo, you fucking idiot," he says suddenly as he leans on the table and over his food. He is smiling. "I killed him myself. Took off the safety of my gun, aimed for him and bang. I shot him."

The words MURDERER began writing itself in blood onto his forehead inside my mind. I am shaking so hard I can hardly contain myself.

Alek has gone as pale as a sheet.

Behind me, a man has wrapped his hands around Avery's wrist and she looks at me with wide eyes.

And then so many things hit me at once.

"Get them out of this room," Tommasso points to some of the people around the table, including Avery. Then he turns to me and smirks. "There is no need for them to be a part of this."

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