2) Terra

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Beast Boy sat on the couch in the Titan's living room, his gloved fingers flying over the controls for the game station he was playing. His black eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. Cyborg sat next to him, equally intense. At the moment he was beating Beast Boy, but the green young man didn't give up very easily. Neither of the two teens stirred as the door opened.

"Friends," Starfire's sweet voice spoke from behind them. "Might I join you with the playing of the games of video?"

"Just a second, just a second," Cyborg focused intently on the finish line, "booyah!" He jumped up and did a little victory dance. Beast Boy stared glumly at the screen and sighed.

"Beast Boy, you are troubled," Starfire noted. "What is it?"

"Raven shot him down," Cyborg replied. Starfire gasped, and flew over to Beast Boy.

"Friend, are you injured?" she asked. "Should you not be in a hospital?" Her naivety was part of what made her so beautiful. Beast Boy looked up at her. She was dressed in her usual purple mini-skirt, mauve belt, purple and mauve thigh-high boots, purple and mauve high-necked but sleeveless shirt that exposed her slightly orange midriff, mauve fingerless elbow-length gloves, and mauve arm band around her right bicep. Her rich red hair cascaded over her shoulders and flowed down to the middle of her back, and her eyes were green. Her naivety came from the fact that she was not from Earth.

"It's just an expression Star," Beast Boy assured her. "Raven didn't actually shoot me. She just turned down my invitation to hang out sometime."

"Oh," Starfire was evidently relieved. "Raven does not like to do the hanging out with anyone." She patted Beast Boy on the shoulder reassuringly.

"Hello Titans," Starfire's face lit up at the sound of Robin's voice.

"Robin!" she exclaimed and flew over to him. Robin smiled at her, his eyes hidden behind a mask. It was obvious to everyone that the two Titans had feelings for each other, but neither of them would admit it. Beast Boy sighed. He could understand why both of the girls liked Robin. He was the mysterious one. Robin with his spiky black hair, black and yellow cape, turquoise leggings, yellow utility belt, black and metal shoes, turquoise elbow-length gloves, red t-shirt with turquoise sleeves and yellow stripes and black circle with a capital 'R' in yellow. Robin was the cool one. Though he was the only member of the team that did not have any special powers, he was their leader.

"Where's Raven?" Beast Boy felt his fists clench as the Boy Wonder asked the question. It was a harmless question he knew, but for reasons that he could not explain, it bothered him.

"Last I saw, she was in her room," Beast Boy replied. Robin frowned.

"Has she been in there all day?" he asked. Beast Boy shrugged. Robin crossed his arms.

"She usually doesn't stay in her room this long," he mused. "I wonder if there's anything wrong." Beast Boy shrugged again, and turned his back to the Titan's leader. He heard the doors to the Titan's living room swoosh open.

"Hey everyone," Beast Boy froze at the shrill voice. "Miss me?" Very slowly he turned around. Sure enough, there she was, standing in the doorway. Her gloved hands rested on skin-tight yellow shorts, a pair of goggles rested on the top of her blonde hair, the black super short-cropped black t-shirt with a capital 'T' in the middle exposed her midriff, and her blue eyes were exactly the way he remembered them. He blinked, wondering if he was hallucinating, but when he opened his eyes, there she was.

"Terra?" he asked. The blonde turned to face him, and smiled.

"Hey Beast Boy," she said. Beast Boy vaulted over the couch, ran over to her, and threw his arms around her.

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