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Danielle's POV

"I got it!" I yelled upstairs at my mother who was yelling at me to take out the trash. I grabbed the trash bag and took it out back to the trashcan outside. I entered the house, and my mom was back at bugging me again.

"I heard the mail man! Can you go get the mail?" my mother asked.

I groaned really loud. "Yes, Mom!" I grabbed my phone and walked outside. Our driveway wasn't long, in fact it was quite short, but I just wanted to have my phone with me. I walked to the mailbox and got the mail out.

"Hey, Elle!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see my, I would say best, friend running towards me. My name is Danielle, but she always called me Elle. She knew I didn't like it, but she did it anyway. "Mrs. Johnson is officially moved out, and those new people will be moving in soon."

"Do you know anything about the new people?" I asked Cassie. Cassie was one of those people who can find anything out about anyone. If you wanted gossip about anyone at school you could get it from her. She knew everything.

She kicked a rock with her feet just a little bit away from where we were standing. "I believe it's a family of three. I think it may be a mom and a dad with a son. I could be forgetting a son. I'm not sure."

"Well, I hope they're unsocial. You know how my mom is," I groaned. Cassie looked up at my house and back at me. "She's going to want to invite them over, and she'll cook dinner and pretend to be interested in the topic. I'll have to be apart of it."

"If the son is old enough and cute, invite me over," she said as her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket. "It's my mom. I guess she is done cooking dinner. I'll text you later!" She began walking home after I told her bye. I walked back inside and took the mail to my mom. She was in her bathroom getting ready for a late afternoon meeting.

"Anything good?" she asked as she applied her mascara. She didn't even have to look at me to know I was there.

"I don't think so," I said as I overlooked everything. "Nope, but uh- Cassie just told me we will be getting some new people in the neighborhood soon."

"Oh, goodie! I'll have to introduce myself," she said as she closed her mascara and put it away. She turned to me. "How do I look?"

My mother was a younger mom, only 37; she had me at 19. She was very pretty. She had very straight natural hair, which was brown. Her eyes were a very pretty hazel. I was very lucky to receive those features from her. My dad, who is no longer in the picture, had similar features also, but he ruined them over the last several years with alcohol and the occasional cigarette. He past away about a year ago, but he wasn't involved in my life way before that.

"You look amazing," I said. She smiled.

She gave me half a hug and a side kiss. "I love you. I went ahead and ordered you takeout. It should be here any minute. I'll be home late. You don't have to wait up."

"I love you too," I told her before she had to leave. I decided to hang out downstairs and watch reruns of Friends and Full House when my takeout arrived. I got an occasional text from Cassie that I replied to. She was sharing the latest drama going on in the neighborhood. Apparently, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, who lived not too far away from me, were going to get a divorce. That information didn't matter to me, but I payed attention every time she told me something knew. Then, it got really late, and I got tired, so I went to bed. Since my mom told me not to wait up, I figured she would have a late dinner with someone after her meeting, so it would be really late, or early in the morning, before she got home.

The next morning, I got up and got out of bed. I got ready for the day, and I decided to see if my mom got home okay, so I peeked into her room to find her asleep, like I usually find her. I decided to make a bowl of cereal, nothing special. Cassie called me as soon as I sat down, which is strange because she never calls me. She prefers to text.

I answered. "Hello?"

"Get your butt outside, now!" she yelled.

"I'm eating cere-" I told her.

"Just do it!" she blurted and hung up the phone. I really hated to leave my cereal, but I did. I rushed to the door and got outside. Cassie was in my driveway. She did the 'come on' hand motion. "Hurry up!"

"Why did you rush me out here when I could be eating?" I asked. "Now, my cereal is getting soggy.

"Are you blind?" she asked. I looked around her and down the street. I looked back at her.

"What?" I was completely oblivious to whatever she wanted me to see.

She rolled her eyes. "Some friend you are." I looked at her with a confused look. "Whatever." She started to walk away with her hands up by her face which made me think she was crying.

"Cassie," I yelled for her and walked up beside her.

She turned around pretty fast with a big smile on her face. "I got my nose pierced! I took it out and faked that little scene. -- And my mom says I can't act." I slapped her arm.

"Your mom let you?" I asked, shocked that her mom even let the thought over getting her nose pierced cross Cassie's mind. "I'm so jealous."

"My mom said that if I could pay for it, I could have it. She got tired of me begging. I got it done last night, and I wanted to show you in person."

"You should've taken me. My mom was out late! Hell, I probably could get mine done, and she wouldn't notice." Cassie shrugged.

"I think I heard a moving truck earlier today. Tomorrow, are you going to introduce yourselves to the new people and invite them over?" Cassie started messing with her nose ring.

"Yeah, I'm sure. You should go with me," I whined.

"Oh, come on! You know that's not my thing, and you've done it a thousand of times before without me. Besides, I won't be here tomorrow, remember? I'm going to a funeral." The funeral is for someone who is no one special to her personally. It was someone that is related to her father's boss, and he used to be best friends with his boss.

I sighed. "Great! What if they turn out to be really lame and awkward or they talk my ears off, and I can't get away from them?"

Cassie thought about it. "Remember that time I went on a date with Jake?"

"Yeah," I answered. Jake was just a random boy she went on one date with.

"You know how you called me in the middle of it, and I used it as an excuse to leave? Thank you again by the way." She smiled before she spoke again. "You can just text me when you get over to Mrs. Johnson's old house, and I'll call you five minutes after you get there. If you want to leave, just say it's your mom and she wants you home. If you don't, just tell me you're busy. Trust me!"

I lifted my hand up for a high-five. "You're awesome!"

She gave me a high-five. "I know! I'm brilliant!"

"My stomach is about to start growling, so do you want to come in and eat some cereal with me?" I asked.

"Sure," she answered.

We began to walk back into my house. "Good, you can have the soggy bowl."

(A/N- This is a new story. It's an Ashton fanfic. I hope you guys enjoy it. Not all facts are correct.)

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