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Danielle's POV

I opened my eyes and immediately saw something in front of me that was out of the ordinary: Ashton. I didn't try to wake him up, but I got up from my bed, not trying to cause a ruckus. I was still in my clothing from yesterday, so I snuck something new into my bathroom to change, incase my mom would be around, so she wouldn't notice that I had failed to change. I turned off my bathroom light and tried to open my bathroom door slowly, but as we all know, that only makes the door's sound more noticeable, but Ashton stayed still with his eyes closed. I tossed yesterday's clothes into the dirty clothes basket in my room, which I usually fail to use. I opened my bedroom door and tried to glance in the kitchen, which there was no sign of my mother, so I closed the door back and locked it, just to make sure she wouldn't barge in. I walked over to my window, and I tried to get a view of her car, as I usually could. Her car was gone, so that meant she wasn't home.

"Good," I thought to myself. Her busy schedule always gets her out of the house. I sighed as looked back at the big kid lying in my bed. I hesitantly walked over to him, and I took a pause, thinking how I'd wake him up, so I started by saying his name and raising my voice until it got his attention. "Ashton--Ashton!-- ASHTON!" Nothing. I didn't have much experience in waking up people, which seems weird probably. My mom and I both have always been woken by the strong sound from our alarm clocks. I placed one hand on Ashton's arm and began to shake him slightly, unaware of his natural reflexes.

"Stop," he muttered as he pushed his face into one of my pillows. "What time is it?"

"Time for you to get up!" I informed him. I hadn't even thought of checking the time, so I grabbed my phone, which was on the floor. (My guess was that it fell off of the bed somehow.) "It's nine o'clock." I decided to let him know the time.

"Then, why are we up?" I had to try hard to make out those words because he was talking into my pillow. I snatched the pillow from up under him, and his face landed on the mattress. He flipped his head over to face me. "I can sleep without it." He flipped his head over to the other side.

"Ashton, get up!" I yelled again. I pushed on his back, trying to shake him.

"Dani!" he snapped back. He sat up and turned to face me. "What?"

"You need to get out of my bed," I shared. "You weren't supposed to stay the night!" I threw the pillow at his lap. He removed the pillow from his lap, and he arose from the bed.

"By the time I noticed you were asleep, I heard your mom pull up, and I stayed in the bathroom for thirty minutes incase she decided to march in here. I couldn't risk sneaking out the front door and your window. I didn't want to get you in trouble." I slightly smiled about that. "So you should make me some breakfast." The slight smile quickly faded.

I thought about it. "Fine. What do you want?"

"Mmm... Waffles?"


"Waffles," Ashton clarified. "I didn't know it was that hard to understand." I rolled my eyes. (I don't think I've ever rolled my eyes this early in the morning before.) Without a word, I exited my bedroom, and I began to fix waffles. Thankfully, I wasn't a stranger to preparing breakfast, but cereal was my speciality. Waffles weren't very hard though. The batter was pretty simple to make, and the machine told me when the waffle was done. It didn't take me long to fix three. (I went ahead to make Ashton two, and I made myself one.) I carried both plates in my hand with the silverware on top of them, and I struggled to hold the syrup under my arm. I got back to my room, and I used my foot to shut the door behind me. "No drinks?" I glared at Ashton, and he only laughed because he saw the struggle. I gave him his plate, and I walked around to the side I slept on last night. I used the syrup to drench my waffles in syrup, which I love.

Moments later, we had finished eating, and I was carrying the plates back into the kitchen when the front door opened, and I stopped in my tracks when I heard my mom say, "Hey!" I looked her way, and she was holding a bag that resembled one from a drive thru. "You already ate?" She closed the door behind her, and walked my way. I began to walk to the sink and drop the plates in the sink.

"You think?" I asked. "What did you get?" My mom set the bag on the counter.

"Just a chicken biscuit. It's nothing special.--- Do you want it?"

"Mom, I ate with two plates. I had a big breakfast." I decided to mention the two plates, so she didn't get an idea from it.

"Damn," my mom spoke. "I have to get a shower, and I'm going to meet up with Liz. I thought I'd surprise you. You can keep it for later."

"Luke's mom?"

"That's the only Liz I know." Deciding not to ask any further questions, I smiled at her, and I began to head back to my room. Ashton was on my bed and was putting on his shoes.

"You're leaving?" I whispered as I closed my bedroom door behind me.

He shrugged. "I have to go home sometime, and I prefer to leave before your mom finds out I'm here. What mom wouldn't be pissed about her daughter have a boy sleep over in the same bed?" I watched as he finished tying his shoe, and he stood up. "Is the coast clear?" He pointed to the door, so I decided to stick my head out.

"You're good," I informed him. He slipped through my door, and I followed him outside. We stood at my door. He faced me. The height difference was  almost laughable. I hadn't really payed much attention to it.

"I had fun last night. We should do it again some other time, but hopefully, we won't have to worry about your mom." I laughed. Ashton's phone went off. He pulled it out of his pocket.

"I'm got to go," he said after examining his phone. "Luke is blowing up my phone. I don't know why he even thinks I'm awake." Ashton looked back at me. "I'll see you soon."

"See ya later," I told him as he walked off to go to his car. I smiled, thinking about how I had snuck Ashton out without my mom catching it and about how much fun I had.

(A/N- So it's almost been a month since my last update. Wtf, Maegan? I need to get my ball rolling, but my defense is school. It's totally got my personal life all jacked up. But I hate this chapter. I find it basic, so I might make changes in the future...)

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