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Danielle's POV

A few days had passed, but it wasn't the weekend yet. It was Thursday, so the weekend was pretty close. I was struggling to find something to do, so when I got a call from Cassie with plans, I was pretty excited.

"I got something for us to do," Cassie cheered into the phone.

"Good! I'm tired of sitting in this house," I told her.

"Kate from down the street is going out of town, and I'm watching her dog until Sunday," she began. "She has a pool, and you should come with me, and we can swim." I had a pool, but it was the beginning of spring, so my mom hadn't gotten around to cleaning just yet. She had been super busy with work, and had been trying to get me to go to the pool store. Of course, I told her I would soon. I've had the time; I've just held off.
"Right now?" I asked.

I heard a knock at my door and the call disconnect. "Yes!" I heard Cassie yell. I jumped up and walked over to the door, where she was now shutting it. She already had her bathing suit with her cover-up on. "Let's go!" I held up my pointer finger to tell her to give me a minute. Ii went to my room and put on my bathing suit. It wasn't anything special. It was a plain royal blue bikini with flounce top. I put a white strapless cover-up over it. It was pretty similar to Cassie. Her bathing suit was pink, and her cover-up was a ivory. I rushed back into the room with Cassie.

"I'm ready," I told her.

She looked up from her phone. "About time." I walked to the door and started leading the way, Cassie being slow because she was on her phone. I would've bet a lot of money that she was learning about the newest gossip story that was going on. I got to the end of the road by the stop sign when I turned around. Cassie had began talking to the boy she fancied, Rocky. I didn't know much about him. I knew that he visited his grandmother sometimes, who lives right beside Cassie. One day, they met. Surprisingly, Cassie wasn't open to talking about him like she is with most things.

"Lucas, you get back here!- LUCAS!" I heard commotion coming from the way Luke lived. I looked down that way to see Luke by his car trying to talk to his mom, but she was too busy yelling, and I could hear it all. "He is a bad kid, Luke! You are making a bad choice! You went back to high school! You were doing so good!" Luke got in his car, closing the door on his mom. He rolled down the window, and he said something to her before driving down to the stop sign where I was. I looked back down at Cassie, hoping she had ended her conversation, but she was now sitting with Rocky on his grandmother's porch. Now, I had no where to go, and it was going to be obvious I just watched everything that happened.

I watched as he pulled up to the stop sign, and he rolled his window down. "Where are you going?"

"Where are you going? I heard your mom all the way down here," I told him. To be fair, he was only a few houses down.

"You could hear?" he asked.

"Yeah, y'know that yelling right after you move in a neighborhood doesn't make the best impression," I joked.

"Try telling my mom that." He sighed. After what I just heard, I was scared of her. "Besides, I don't even live here anymore. I'm moving in with Ashton."

"It makes sense as to why she is mad at you. I wouldn't have let you gotten away that easily or at all. I would have killed you." He laughed. "Wait, so where will your band be practicing now? I still want to come this weekend, dude."

"Ashton and I are coming back when my mom leaves to go to a meeting at the school she works at five tonight. We're taking everything to his house. You can help if you'd like. You were a big help the other night." I looked back down at Cassie and back at Luke. "You don't have plans, right?"

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