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Danielle's POV

Ashton pulled up at my house. He didn't pull in my driveway, but he pulled up by the curb. He spoke as he put the car in park. "Is your mom home?" I quickly glanced to see if her car was in the driveway.

"Nope," I said as I shook my head. I began to gather my phone and bag, so I could get out. "Thanks for driving me home." Ashton set his arm on his armrest and looked at me as I was getting ready to get out. "What?"

"When will your mom be home?" I felt my face heat up, but I hoped my face wasn't red. I didn't know Ashton's intentions, but I know what most boys would want if they asked that question. I just shrugged. Ashton took his hand and slid it from my cheek to my hair, and he moved my hair behind my ear. "When does she usually get home?" I took a deep breath and shrugged again. "For the first time ever, you're the woman with no answers or no smart mouth comebacks? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I wanted to try to play it off as nothing anyway.

"I just want to come in and hang out. Is that a problem?" I shook my head.

"I just don't want my mom to pull up and see you or your car, y'know? I'd probably get in so much trouble."

"I thought your mom was chill? You said she was," he reminded me. "She won't even know I'm here. I'll park down the street in the house's driveway that's for sale, and she won't know." We sat in the quiet car. "Please?"

"I guess," I caved. Ashton's face lit up with a smile, as I got up out of his car.

"I'll be back in like five minutes. I'm going to go park," he informed me before returning the car back into drive and leaving me standing on the curb. I took advantage of these five minutes to go unlock the door and stand inside. I dropped my keys onto the table by the front door, and I walked into the kitchen where I found a note written by my mother:

"Here's some money for dinner. Order a pizza or something. I'll be home around midnight.


I looked at the clock to see that it was around nine, and I heard a knock at the door in which I knew was Ashton. "Come in!" I yelled. I heard the door open and close. "Lock the door behind you!" I heard the lock and footsteps coming my way. I felt hands on my waist that forced me to turn around. Ashton looked down on me with a smile. I saw him glance at the note behind me.

"Midnight?" Ashton smirked. I bit the inside of my lip, not noticeable from the outside. "So what do you want to do. Ashton lifted a hand up and placed it on my shoulder.

"Ashton, I'm not the kind of girl that you can just have---"

"Have sex with? I'm not thinking about that, Dani. I may be an ass, but I'm not going to take advantage of you. I just want to hang out with you." I personally didn't understand what all the touching was for then, but I guess it's because I have lack of experience in the relationship department. (Wouldn't it suck to call yourself an expert that got dumped all the time?) Ashton removed his hands off of my body and put them in his pockets with a shrug. "So what do you want to do?"

"Well, before I left to go to the show, I was watching Grey's Anatomy," I spoke, trying to make it come off as a suggestion because I really wanted to watch it. Ashton pooped his lip.

"Never heard of it?"

I smiled up at him. "Come on." I took his arm, wrapped around mine, and walked him into my room.

"So this is where the magic happens?" Ashton asked, and I sent him a glare. He put his hands up in defense. "Sorry, I shouldn't provoke the beast." He relaxed his hands again.

"Whatever." I walked over and sat up on my bed. My back leaned up against a bunch of stacked up pillows with my legs stretched out as I grabbed the remote to turn my TV back on. Ashton walked over and kicked off his shoes before sitting on my bed. He didn't sit up beside me though; he decided to lie down on beside me.

"So what's this show about?" he asked. I went on and on telling him about the five residents at the hospital and how it focuses on their story throughout their five years of residency and the people who cross their path. I saw the unenthusiastic expression on his face, so I decided that I offered that we watch something else, which he gladly didn't hesitate to offer something new. "I like Say Yes to the Dress."

"Really?" I asked out of shock. Too bad that I've seen every episode, so I turned him down on that. "Reruns are for rainy days," I explained to him. I did find it quite funny that a guy like Ashton, who seemed to be 'hardcore' liked a show like that.

"How about we don't watch anything and just relax?" Ashton offered.

"I guess," I said as I pushed myself up, so I sat criss-crossed apple sauce on my bed. I began to twiddle my thumbs to try and relax.

"Knock that off," Ashton said as he looked up at me. "Relax."

"I'm trying," I informed him. He rolled his eyes.

"You have to try to relax? You're more of a weirdo than I thought." Ashton sat up on my bed. He licked his lips as he situated himself.

"I can't help it," I shrugged. "I was relaxing earlier though, if that counts."

"Do you need help--- relaxing?" Ashton lifted his hand and laid it on my thigh. "Just relax," he whispered as he leaned in for a kiss. Our lips connected, and I felt the same as I did with the first kiss we shared.

"The way his lips connected with mine, it felt right. Amongst all of the craziness going through my mind, something inside of me changed, never to be reversed. I had gotten a new perspective of Ashton tonight, and the kiss topped it off."

We both pulled back at the same time, and he removed his hand from my thigh. "Better?"

"Mhm." I nodded. I bit my upper lip, just thinking about how he should kiss me again. I kept waiting for him to look back at me and dive in, but he was looking around my room.

"No wonder you can't relax. Your room is too clean," he shared his opinion. I didn't comment  back. "You're too organized." My room wasn't usually tidy. There would be clothes on the floor that I didn't mean to leave when I was in a rush and empty water bottles up to my knees. Ashton stood from my bed and walked over to my desk. "You really have a stapler on your desk?" Ashton questioned.

"When I go to college, I'll---"

"College? I'm doing fine, and I didn't go to college."

"Some of us don't plan to live off of our mother forever. We're not all that lucky," I commented, sounding annoyed at the fact that he was ignorant about how other people may be raised, or it seemed that way. He set the stapler down, and he continued to go through my belongings on my desk.

"A scientific calculator? I'm sorry, but science and math shouldn't be put together. They suck enough already," Ashton spoke. I slightly wanted to laugh, but I also wanted to roll my eyes, so I did both.

"Stop looking at my stuff," I yelled at him when he started going through papers. There wasn't anything important, but I just didn't want anyone going through it. He put everything down and walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it where I had moved to during the time that he was being nosey.

"Someone's cranky," he joked. I laughed, but it was a fake 'ha... ha...' laugh. "Maybe you should go to sleep." He didn't budge. I would've assumed that was his 'get away saying', what people say when they want to leave a conversation or leave someone's house, so he'd get up and leave. "It's almost eleven. It's past your bedtime I assume?"


"Yeah, it is," Ashton spoke over me. "I'll walk myself out." He stood up from my bed and walked over to his shoes. He walked over to my door and began to open it.

"Wait!" I called to him. He turned around with a smirk. "I don't have a 'bedtime'." I did the air quotes.

"So are you asking me to stay?" He looked very confused, but in a weird way, I was kind of asking him to stay. I nodded, so he came back over to my bed and kicked off his shoes.

(A/N- I love ending these with author's notes because I find it awkward to not sign it with something...? Idk.)

Burning Dandelions (5SOS/Ashton Irwin)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara