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Danielle's POV

A few weeks and a few boxes later, I was all packed up and ready to transfer my things into Ashton's house. After much consideration and many arguments with my mom, who eventually found out that it was Ashton (who she heard nothing but bad things about from Liz), I made up my mind. I really listened to what Luke had told me that day Ashton asked me to move in, what a confusing day that had been. He had informed that I had been "rejecting" Ashton after he had opened up to me, which was a rare side Luke had seen of Ashton. So after the thought I had given, I decided that there was no harm in moving, aside from the fact that my relationship with my mom had been tampered. It was something that could be fixed in time.

"You sure this is what you want? I didn't mean for you to move in with us when I told you what I did," Luke whispered to me as we carried a few boxes to my car. He didn't want Ashton, who was also helping load my car, to hear I guess. "Don't get me wrong, I want you to move in, but not because you feel like you have to. Besides, you haven't known either of us that long."

"I want to. I don't do anything unless I want to. — But you know what's funny?" I whispered back to Luke. He looked over at me and raised a brow. "Both our moms aren't really thrilled where or who we are living with." I reached the open car door where Ashton had just set a box down. He gripped the box I was holding from the bottom and slid it beside the one he just put in.

"How many more boxes?" he asked.

Luke passed his box to Ashton. "Two more," he answered. "This reminds me of when we tried to move my stuff out of my house into Ashton's. I made sure my mom was at work because I didn't want to get lectured." We all began to walk back into my house, going back to my room.

"My mom is never home. I never spent time with her, so I don't really get why she overreacted about me moving out." Ashton slipped passed me in my room and picked up one box, and Luke beat me to the other one. Ashton walked by and huffed under his breath, whatever that meant. With a furrowed brow, I followed Luke and him back out to my car where they placed the last two boxes. I stood by the side of my house, with my arms crossed.

"Second guessing?" Ashton asked as he walked up beside me. I shook my head.

"Aye, guys!" Luke yelled to get our attention. "I'm going to head back to the house. See you guys there?"

"We shouldn't be too far behind!" Ashton yelled back to him. Luke got into his car that held a few of my boxes. Ashton turned his attention back to me. "Now. What's on your mind?"

I puckered out my lower lip and shook my head. He gave me a look that made it seemed like he really wanted to know what was up. I sighed a small sigh. "I've basically lived here my whole life. My best friend is across the street, and it's just my home."

Ashton fling is arm over my shoulder, pulling me away from the wall. "I know what ya mean." We walked closer to my car. "When I moved out, I remember just wanting to just go home. You're not going to be too far from your friend, or your mom for that matter.— I hope you know this is your choice, right? I know you told me you wanted to move, but you don't—"

"I want to!— Let's just go." We entered my car, and I immediately buckled up.

When Ashton and I arrived to his house, we were greeted with Luke getting a box out of his car.

"Looks like we better hurry and get these boxes in the house fast. The sky is getting darker," Ashton spoke as I put the car in park. I looked up at the sky through my window. This morning there had been only one gray cloud floating in the sky, but only a few hours later, the whole sky was a light grey fluff. "Look," Ashton said as he pointed to a drop of rain that just landed on the windshield. "Maybe this will help with the drought."

"Yes, that one drop sure will help with the big drought." I smiled and looked at Ashton. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Dani, your sense of humor is getting better and better." He chuckled under his breath. "Guess we better take in some boxes before it begins to pour, huh?" We rushed out of the car and started to run some boxes inside, running faster with each trip because the drops of rain begin to come down faster, but yet it hadn't started pouring. It didn't take long for us to get in the boxes, especially since we doubled up and carried two boxes, if we could, in on trip.

All the boxes now sat in my new room, that had a very similar shape as my other room. It was a basic rectangular room, so I could go with the same layout as my former room. Halfway through my unboxing, I got a phone call from Cassie.

"Danielle," she began before I could even say hello. I knew she was being serious, considering she used my full first name instead of her usual 'Elle'. "Your mom walked over to my house asking why all your stuff was gone. What did you do?" I groaned as a response. "Danielle! What did you do?"

"I moved out," I whispered into the phone, which I was hoping it was low enough so that she couldn't hear.

"You what?" Cassie yelled into my ear. "Where? —How?— Why?" She hadn't given me time to answer any question. "Why didn't you tell me?" Again, before I could answer any question, she was talking. "You know what, Elle? You've changed a lot, and I think it's because of your new group of friends, whoever they are. Whenever you get your senses back, you know where I am." The call ended. I hadn't gotten many words in with that phone call, clearly. I figured Cassie and I were on a bad foot anyway, so I shrugged off the call. I went back to putting some stuff away before I got completely tired of doing that, and I decided to meet Luke and Ashton downstairs.

"You done?" Luke had been facing the doorway having a conversation with Ashton, and when he asked me that he had caused Ashton to stop mid sentence and turn around. A slight smile came over his face. A glimpse of a smile appeared on me. "There's no way."

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm not, but I decided to take a break. The rest is some small stuff that I may just put in the closet."

"So you're just going to stand there?" Ashton questioned. I glanced down, noticing I haven't made an effort to move yet since I got downstairs, so I walked over to the counter Luke and Ashton were leaning across.

"So how about for Dani's first night, we order some food and just hang out here?" Ashton asked Luke.

Luke looked towards me and smiled. "I've got the perfect movie."

(A/N- So I haven't updated in a while or written for that matter so excuse the next few chapters while I get everything back on track.)

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