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Danielle's POV

"Well, look at that. You're actually wearing sweats," Ashton spoke right after he answered the front door because I had knocked.

"Well, you told me to," I spoke. I noticed what he was wearing. "Why are you not wearing sweats?"

He looked down and looked back up. "Yeah, I'm not going to." He closed the front door behind him when he stepped outside with me. "Ready to go?"

"I thought we would hang out inside or something? Why else would you ask me to wear sweats?"

"That would be boring, and I'm not boring," Ashton said as he walked backwards to his car. I still stood at his front door, and sighed. I walked over to the passenger side of his car.

"What are we doing today?" I asked as we both got into his car.

Ashton cranked his car. "Now, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise." Ashton began to drive, pulling out of his parking lot.

"How long do we have to go?" I asked him after a few minutes of silence.

"I'd say thirty minutes," he answered. I groaned. "Does everything piss you off?"

"Ha, ha," I faked a laugh.

Ashton pulled up to a stop sign. "No, that was a legitimate question." He proceeded when it was his turn.

"Then, no," I answered. "I'm a very optimistic person, but you bring out my negativity." It was quiet again. Ashton hadn't bothered turning on the radio, and I would feel awkward turning it on. "So, uh, when you said it was just going to be us, you weren't lying?"

Ashton glanced over at me before looking back at the road. "Do you see anyone else in the car?" I rolled my eyes, not that he could see. "Besides, I didn't want anyone else to know where I'm gonna hide your body."

"You know, if knew you about five months ago, and you made that joke, I'd laugh. I don't even know you, so now, I'm kind of worried," I admitted. I wasn't really 'worried'. I just didn't know if he was playing.

"Relax," Ashton drug out the 'ax'. "You're annoying, but I'm not going to kill you. If anything, you're killing me with your attitude."

"This car ride is killing me," I commented.

"It's not even that long," Ashton whined. I was trying to hold back a laugh, but I wasn't doing a very good job. "What?"

"That's what she said," I blurted and laughed.

Ashton actually laughed. "As I was saying," he said, still trying to recover from his laughing, "we don't have that much longer to go." I looked out the window, and I could see a glimpse of the ocean from where we were.

"Please don't tell me we are going to the beach," I said.

"Don't worry," he reassured. He continued to drive until he pulled into a pretty recognizable parking lot.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked. "You're trying to embarrass me, right? I'll have a heat stroke." Ashton had parked in the parking lot for Pier Park. It's kind of like a strip mall by the beach, but it has more of a beach feel to it. It was a fun place to be, but not in sweats. With it being right by the beach, you also had the sun beaming down on you every step you take until you got into a store.

"I'm in jeans," he pointed out.

"Why did you make me wear sweats?" I asked.

He shrugged while turning off his car. "We won't look like tourists, and I wanted to piss you off."

Burning Dandelions (5SOS/Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now