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Danielle's POV

I sat in my bed with my back against my bedroom wall. I slouched over my phone as I scrolled through my twitter feed on my phone. I guess this could be considered part of my nightly routine; I do it most nights.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I insisted, knowing it was my mom on the other side of the door. She opened the door slightly and barely stepped into my room.

"I'm going to go to bed. Love you!"

"I love you, too," I stated as my mom shut the door. I was back to scrolling down my feed, but I had changed to instagram. It was quite boring, so I decided to call it a night. I got up, having to force myself up, to change into my pajamas. As soon as I was done, I put my phone on charge, and I laid down in my bed. I covered myself up with my comforter that was a size too big for my bed, but I liked it that way. I was closing my eyes for the final time before I was out for the night as my phone chirped. I groaned as I sat up and glanced at it. It was from Ashton, so I opened up the text to read it.

"Come outside," was what the text read.

"Are you at my house?" I texted back.

"Obviously," Ashton replied back. I could hear the sarcasm from his text. I put down my phone, and I opened my bedroom door after putting on some sandals, trying to not make much noise for my mom to hear upstairs. I walked to the front door, and I quickly opened it and stood outside, closing it behind me. I saw Ashton's car parked on the side of the road, and I saw the light in his car come on as he opened the door. He walked around the car and leaned on the passenger side. I walked closer, so the distance wouldn't be awkward.

"Nice pajamas," Ashton cackled. I looked down at my outfit to only have my memory jogged.

I crossed my arms. "I was in the process of going to sleep when I got your text," I informed him.

"You're going to sleep already? It's ten," Ashton exclaimed.

"Yep, so why are you in front of my house at ten o'clock?" I asked. While he leaned on the car, he kicked a pebble with his shoe, ignoring my question as if he didn't hear it. I cleared my throat. That made Ashton look up from whatever he was looking at on the ground.

"I want to take you somewhere," he began. My eyes grew in shock; shock because of the timing.

"Right now?" I asked. "I'm in my pajamas."

"They'll work. -- You wanna go?" I pursed my lips. I thought about how bad I would get in trouble if my mom found out. I definitely hesitated.

"When will I get back home?" I asked.

"No later than two in the morning," he murmured, clearly nervous on how I'd take that.

"Good thing my mom is a heavy sleeper," I spoke. Ashton smiled, and walked over to his door. I walked over to the door he had been leaning on and got in. Ashton opened the door to his side, and he turned on the car. As we left, I felt so guilty. I wasn't this big rebellious kid. I wanted to call my mom and tell her where I was going, but that would defeat the point of this. We were taking a similar route that we did when we went to Pier Park. The car ride was silence; only engine purrs filled our ears. "Can we turn on the radio?" I finally broke the no talking thing that was going on.

"Oh, yeah!" Ashton chirped. He quickly reached over and turned the volume up, so we could finally hear it. A song was just coming to an end.

"Good, evening everyone! We have a very special request from a guy named Ross tonight. It's for a girl named Rachel. He said that he is very sorry for that he did, and he hopes that you two can work it out," the radio host spoke.

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