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Danielle's POV

"You guys totally rocked that," I told the boys when they joined us at our table. They began to eat the food that was there. "I think I found my new favorite band."

"Wait a second," Michael spoke. "I just noticed your shirt." Everyone at the table looked at my shirt and laughed. "I saw that in a movie once, and I was like 'I wish someone would do that for my band', and you did, so that's great!" Cassie sent me a smirk as if to say she told me so.

"A little cliche," Ashton commented.

"That's what she said," Cassie told him. "Well, Elle used the word 'cheesy'."

"Because it is," I said. "Cassie talked me into it." Ashton scoffed, whatever he meant by that.

"Do they usually check ID here?" Ashton asked Luke. "Well, do you think they'd check mine? Do I look twenty-one?"

"You could pass if you get the right waitress. Try Samantha," Luke replied back.

"How old are you?" I asked Ashton.

He took a sip of his water. "Old enough to mind my own business."

"Dude, come on. You're being a jerk." Calum turned to me. "He's twenty."

"Hey, Samantha!" Ashton yelled loudly to get a waitress' attention. An older woman walked over.

"Can I help you?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"What's the drink of the night?" Ashton asked.

"Do you not know who I am?" Samantha asked. Ashton shook his head.

She sighed. "I used to work at Drink Fountain, and you would always get kicked out because you're underage. Let me see your ID."

"Forget it," Ashton groaned.

"Thought so." Samantha walked away.

"Well, this night sucks," Ashton spoke.

"Just because you can't have a drink?" Cassie asked him.

"Exactly," he answered. "I guess I'll get going." He pulled out his wallet and pulled out money to pay his part of the bill. He stood.

"Elle, I have to get home too," Cassie said to me. I sighed. I really wasn't in the mood to leave. I was having fun, and it was going to get better after Ashton left.

"I guess the party is over?" Luke questioned.

"I guess so because I'm going to leave if everyone else does," Michael said.

Ashton sat back down. "I'll stay."

"I want to stay," I told Cassie.

"I can't. Give me your keys," she whined.

"How am I supposed to get home?" I asked her.

"The van will be packed after we get everything back in it," Luke told me.

"I'll take you home," Ashton said. It was quiet, so he looked up at me. "Or you can leave. Take the offer." I pulled my keys out of my pockets and handed them to Cassie.

"Be careful," I told Cassie.

"I will."

She exited the sports bar, and I turned to Ashton. "Thank you, Ashton."

"I didn't drive you home yet, so don't thank me." He was quiet. "You're welcome."

"Why did she have to leave?" Calum asked.

"I'm assuming because of her dad. He's kind of strict."

"Your parents aren't?" he asked.

"Parent," I corrected. "My mom is always working, so it's whatever with her. Im sure if I went out and got a tattoo, she'd kill me, but hanging out in a public place at night isn't a big deal with her."

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