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Danielle's POV

I had ended up over at Ashton's house after I left Liz's. He had called me when I got to my house where I was getting my keys to leave. He told me he left his necklace, so I decided to take it to him where we began to sit in his room and talk. Talk about perfect timing. Which his room was just what I expected it to look like: posters barely hanging by one thumbtack, clothes covering the floor, a permanently unmade bed, and a cluttered desk. After he talked about my organization, I figured his had to be pretty bad.

We were now sitting on his bed, which ended up being quite comfortable, and had a conversation.

"Yeah, I know Liz didn't like me. Lots of parents don't like me. Your mom would probably hate me. ---And if she ever learned that I spent the night, she'd really hate me," Ashton spoke.

"Actually, my mom does 'hate' you," I informed him. He sent me a look with furrowed brows. I slumped over a little with a shrug. "Liz was talking bad about you, and my mom thinks you resemble my dad." Ashton nodded slowly.

"Ah... Well, you figured the same thing before you got to know me," Ashton said. "Right?" He twiddled his thumbs, his hands laying in lap.

"I mean, yeah--- Liz never got to know you?" I asked, trying to figure a few things out.

"I never sat down with her and had a one on one conversation. She just knows me from what's she seen and overheard the boys say, probably when I was late for rehearsals, so she didn't hear any good things."

"So my mom didn't hear any good things from," I spoke quietly. I repositioned my legs on Ashton's bed from cris-crossed to laying straight out in front of me with my back laying on the wall.

Ashton mimicked my actions for no apparent reason. "You didn't tell her what you know about me?" He sent me a look of hurt almost.

I shrugged again. "My mom has kind of been annoying lately. She's never home, and I might as well be living on my own---"

"So why don't you move out?" Ashton interrupted me. I took in a deep breath and shook my head.

"There's this thing called money, which I don't have. I don't even have a job, and besides I'm planning on going to college. That's when I plan on actually leaving home." As I got more comfortable with my surroundings, I began to relax. I looked over at Ashton who seemed to be thinking pretty hard. "Um," I said, trying to regain Ashton's attention. He snapped his head up and looked at me.

"Dani, how much do you trust me?" That question seemed to come out of nowhere and threw my brain off track, considering we were on a topic completely opposite.

"Uh, we haven't known each other for long, but I guess as much as I can trust you, if that makes sense. Why?" Ashton repositioned his legs by sitting cris-crossed again. He took his phone out of his pocket and set it on his nightstand. It seemed as if he was avoiding my question. I began to look around his room again, and I noticed a calendar hanging that hadn't been flipped in five months.

He finally spoke. "Move in with me and Luke."

Taken by surprise, I looked away from the calendar. I asked, "What?"

"Are you deaf?" Ashton asked me. A moment of quiet passed. "Forget it. Don't." He spoke with anger almost. Ashton rose from his bed and turned to face me, opening his mouth to say something, but closing it.

"I have to think about it, Ashton. It's not something that I can just think about on the spot. Why are you so heated?" I switched positions so that I sat up on my knees.

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