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Danielle's POV

"Ever been to Wings Cafe?" Cassie asked me as I looked through my closet.

"A couple times, have you?" I pulled out a shirt and laid it on my bed.

"Never, I've only passed it in a car."

"It's not something you dress up for," I told her. "Like a skirt would be considered over the top."

"What are you wearing?" Cassie asked. I looked back at the shirt on my bed. I glanced back at my closet. "Don't you have that 'I'm With The Band' crop top? That shirt is perfect for tonight."

I laughed. "Kind of cheesy, don't you think?" I asked. I pulled it out of my closet and laid it beside my other shirt that was just a floral top.

"It looks good on you. Wear it."

I gave her a questionable look. "Why?"

She smiled. "I want to wear the floral shirt, and I think it would be funny for you to wear that shirt." I picked up the floral shirt and threw it to her. "Thank you!"

"Now, you have to let me borrow your black shorts with the lace over them," I told her.

"Alright, I will run home and get ready. I will bring the shorts back with me, okay?" Cassie asked. That was an advantage to living across the street from each other. I nodded. "I guess I'll be back." Cassie exited my room, and then my house. I guess she headed home, so I began on my makeup and my hair. I didn't do anything special. I did my daily makeup, which was a no-makeup look. All I did with my hair was straighten it. It didn't take long. My hair is naturally straight, like my mom's, but at night when I'm sleeping, it can get crazy. I heard the doorbell ring, and I rushed to the door to let in Cassie. She was wearing the floral top I let her borrow with a white pair of shorts. Cassie had the black shorts in her hand. "It took me forever to find them." She handed the shorts to me, and I took them.

"Thank you so much!" I yelled. "I will be right back. I just have to change." I grabbed my keys off the table beside the door and handed them to Cassie. "You can go sit in the car. I'm driving."

"Alright," Cassie said, taking the keys. I ran back to my room and changed. Then, I went out to my car. "That was fast."

"I tried to rush," I told her. I got in the car and buckled up. I began to drive. It wasn't far away, so it was going to be a quick ride.

"So who is the one you're going after?" Cassie asked.

I looked over at Cassie quickly, and then, I looked back at the road quickly. "What are you talking about?"

"You just seem like you're trying to impress someone," Cassie commented. I was most definitely not. She told me to wear this top, and these shorts go with it like they were made for each other. I didn't do anything special, so I just shrugged. "Just tell me which one you like."

"I hadn't thought about it," I told her. I really hadn't put that much thought into anyway. I mean, Ashton told me that Luke liked me, but after talking to Ashton, I wouldn't believe a word he said. He seems like bad news.

"Think about it now," Cassie pressured. "I don't want to go after the one you like."

"You won't. I think you and Calum will hit it off pretty well. You won't have to worry about me." I pulled into the parking lot. I noticed Ashton's car, so I knew at least someone was here. "Ready?" I turned the car off and got out of the car while Cassie mimicked. We walking in to Wings Café, which more of a sports bar. I looked around. It wasn't full. There were a couple empty booths here and there. Then, I saw Ashton. He was alone. I sighed and walked over to him, Cassie following slowly behind.

"Well, hey there," Ashton spoke first with a smirk on his face. "I'm sorry Luke isn't here yet."

"Luke?" Cassie asked. "You said you hadn't-"

"I don't like Luke, and I'm sure Luke doesn't like me," I told Ashton, cutting Cassie off in the process. I sent her an apologetic look. "But look, I just came to have a good time. Where are the other guys?"

"It'll be a few minutes before they get here." He turned his attention to Cassie. "Danielle is so rude. I'm Ashton." Ashton put out his hand to shake Cassie's.

"I'm Cassie." Cassie shook his hand. Cassie elbowed me. "You were supposed to introduce us to each other, Elle."

"Elle?" Ashton asked Cassie.

"I call her Elle, only because I know she hates it. She doesn't like nicknames," Cassie told him.

"Is that right?" Ashton asked no one in particular. He was probably just thinking out loud. "Then, I will call you Dani." I could've slapped Cassie, but she didn't know Ashton would give me a nickname. Ashton's phone went off. "Alright Dani and Cassie, the boys are here, so I am going to help bring some stuff in. I'll let the boys know you two are here." Ashton walked off and went out the front door.

"Why does he seem so hostile towards you?" Cassie asked.

"When we first met, we got off on the wrong foot, and he's a jerk so," I told her.

"He doesn't seem like a jerk really." Cassie and I found a booth close to the stage the boys would, I assumed, be performing on. We had ordered our drinks and food, and the boys still didn't come inside. "Are they going to come in anytime soon?"

I shrugged. "I could go check." I didn't want to seem eager or anything, but I did come because they invited me, and I figured they'd be here too. I wiped my hands on a napkin before standing. "I'll be back. If the waiter comes back, just get me some chicken tenders." I'm like a child at heart when it comes to food. "I'll be back." I walked outside into smoke. I saw Ashton, and it made sense.

"What, Dani?" he asked. An elder couple walked over to the door to enter the sports bar, and Ashton gave them a slight wave, and they returned the favor. Ashton held the door open for them.

"Thank you," the lady said.

"No problem," Ashton responded to her. He looked up at me. "What?"

"I thought the guys were here?" I questioned.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I lied. I wanted a smoke." Ashton took another puff. "Did you come out here to see Luke?" I ignored the question. A week ago, I didn't even know this kid, and now, he's the most annoying person I know. "They'll be here in a minute." Ashton put out his cigarette. It was quiet for a moment. "You know if your personality matched your looks, you'd be a decent person."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. I knew what it meant, but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Dani, you're a bitch, but you're a pretty bitch." I took a deep breathe, from anger. "That's a compliment."

I looked Ashton in the eyes. "Calling me a bitch-"

He cut me off. "'Pretty bitch'," he corrected.

"Whatever. That's not a compliment. Besides, you're the only one I'm a 'bitch' too." I made sure to put air quotations around 'bitch'. "You just make me angry."

"But I'm attractive." He smirked. I bit the inside of my lip. He was attractive, and I didn't want him to know I thought so. A van pulled up in enough time. I could clearly see Luke driving. He stopped at the front door where Ashton and I were.

Luke opened the door and hopped out. "You didn't come help?" Luke was clearly asking Ashton that. "We had to load everything."

"I'm here to help now," Ashton said as he walked to the back of the van. Calum and Michael got out and went to help Ashton.

"Can I do anything?" I asked Luke.

"Could you hold the door open for us?" So I did. They carried their instruments inside. They didn't have to bring drums because there was already some inside. I followed behind them after they got everything inside. I sat with Cassie at the circle booth we decided to sit at.

A few moments later Calum began to talk in the mic. "Hey, everyone. We have a few songs for you guys tonight. Eat your chicken and enjoy."

(A/N- So yeah...)

Burning Dandelions (5SOS/Ashton Irwin)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon