Phil's POV

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~Author's Note~
Hey guys! Holy crap! I randomly got around 50 more views, 3 more votes, and 1 more comment out of no where! THANKZZZZ! You should check out my Profile! It has some random links, people you should check out, and a link to my Twitter account and I will update you all on my crap so that you know what's happening with my story! Also, I'm writing a new Danfiction about a girl and Dan, the usual. So when that comes out I'll tell you on here so you can check it out!

Phil's POV

Chris blushed and looked down. "Yeah..." He mumbled. My hands balled into fists.

"If you like Pj so much, why not tell him!?" I yelled. "I did tell him! He told me he loved Dan, and that he was sorry he didn't feel the same way!" Chris told me, frowning.

"Well, I'm sorry for that, but I still love Dan! I'm not going to help you get Pj jealous, or whatever the heck this is." I told him, seriously. If he thinks I'm going to play his little game, then he is sadly mistaken!

"I don't want you to help me make Pj jealous, I want you to make Dan jealous."

I froze, as I was about to close the door on him. "Aah, see? You're interested." He said, smirking. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

"Why would that make Dan jealous?" I asked.

"Because, he still loves you, he's only going out with Pj because he thinks that it could make him forget. I'm not sure if he believed me when I said that you actually loved him..."

"WHAT!?" I yelled. "I told him that you loved him! It was so obvious, and he knows that you've been asking about him a lot." Chris said, frowning this time. The boy knew where to draw the line. Good. Gold star on your sheet Chris, if I don't STRANGLE YOU FIRST!

"Okay, Chris. Explain." I said. He smiled. "Well, if he still loves you, which he does, he will feel jealous that you are with me. He will eventually break up with Pj because he will feel bad that he is leading him on, and come to you telling you the truth. Pj will come crawling back to me, and you will have your Dan. Simple enough, right?" "Wrong." I said to him.

"There are so many things that could go wrong!" I told him seriously. "What if Dan really does like Pj? What if we started liking eachother? Or didn't like Pj/Dan anymore? What would we do then? Chris, The Fantastic Foursome that used to be about four best friends is turning into The Fantastic Foursome in a way that I'm not quite comfortable with."

*Just gonna let that sink in.*

"Phil, if something goes wrong, it's not like The Fantastic Foursome can't get back together! We all forget our feelings, bada bing bada boom, everything's normal!" I rolled my eyes. "Chris, that's stupid, and you know it." I told him.

"Things can't just go back to normal! Remember when I was trying to stop myself from loving Dan?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, it didn't work. I'm still hung up on a guy who deserves way better than me."

"Come on, Phil! Just try! After all of this, you deserve a bit of happiness!" He told me. I didn't think the same, but I wanted this conversation to end. I nodded my head. "Fine, we can try." He smiled.

I stood there, awkwardly. "So, would you like to come in? Or...?"

"Sorry, sweetie, but I gotta run! Facebook statuses are going to be updated, and Tweets are going to be tweeted. Love you!" He winked at me. "Call me!" He said.

I would have laughed if I weren't so horified.

He kissed me on the lips quickly before closing the door and heading into the lift.

Man, I have a messed up life.

~2 hours later~

I sat down on the couch, watching Buffy, and checked my Twitter. I had a bunch of people saying things like, "Congratulations!" And, "What about The Fantastic Foursome!?" I felt bad.

Where had The Fantastic Foursome gone?

We used to be four guys who were positive about our sexuality and loved just hanging around and having a good time! Now we are all gay or bi and it isn't the same. We're falling in love with each other and kissing and fake dating and real dating and having our hearts broken and it's too much! I can't handle it anymore!

I decided on texting Pj and telling him my congratulations.

"Hey Peej. I'm sorry for getting so upset earlier. Just wanted to say congratulations and tell Dan the same. Phil."

I pressed send, not really expecting a reply, when my phone glowed bright white. I looked down, and saw that Pj had answered.

"Thanks man, same to you. Tell Chris the same. Pj."

I smiled. Maybe this was working.

I got myself a mug and poured hot water into the tea kettle. I closed the top and set it down on the stove. I turned it up to 10 and vaguely thought about how badly that could burn me, before grabbing a tea bag and setting it at the bottom of my mug.

I went to the living room and finished my episode of Buffy as the tea kettle whistled. I stood up and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a towel and opened the end of the kettle with it.

I poured the tea into the cup, and put 2 milks and 3 sugars into it. I stirred and took a sip, thinking about watching a movie, when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said into the speaker. "Hey, Phil." I heard through the line. "Oh, hey Chris! What's up?" I asked him. "I was just wondering if I could come over in a bit?" He asked me. I nodded, then remembered that he couldn't see me, and said "Yes." Into the speaker.

I hung up the phone after talking with Chris for a minute or two, and ordered a pizza for us to share. Half cheese, bacon and pepperoni for me, the other half green and red peppers, pepperoni, and sausage for Chris. I missed sharing these with Dan and remembering how his face lit up when he tasted the delicious food, or how he would savour it until he was so hungry that he would just eat his whole side.

I smiled, and looked through my movies. I saw, "Howl's Moving Castle." And was immediately reminded of Dan. I just couldn't stop thinking about him! The more I tried not to, the more he was in my head, and just wouldn't get out.

I shook my head, as though that were the cure, and frowned. I opened the case, as the doorbell sounded. "It's open!" I yelled from my spot in front of the DVD player. I took the disc out of the case and placed it in the DVD player, and pressed the eject button, causing it to move back in.

Chris came in and took off his shoes and coat and sat down on the couch. "What are we watching?" He asked me. I threw the case to him, and he smiled. "Aah." He said, quietly.

"So, did you order the pizza?" He asked me. I nodded. "Nice, did you get coke for me?"

"Yep, and for me too." I said. "Want some tea?" I asked him. "No, thanks." He said from his place on the couch. I nodded, and picked up the DVD remote as I sat down beside him. I hit the Main Menu button, and waited for the choice to watch the movie to show up.

"So, how have you been?" I asked him, pressing play. "Pretty good." He told me. "Man, Twitter's blowing up, eh?" He said. I nodded, and laughed. "Those Phans... what are they going to do?" I asked. He laughed with me, before focusing his attention back to the movie.

I watched for 20 minutes before the doorbell rang. I pressed pause and held my hand out to Chris.

"Looking for a tip?" He asked. I laughed. "No, you have to pay for your half of the pizza." He told me.

"Your making your boyfriend pay?" He asked. I nodded. He huffed, then we laughed. The doorbell rang again. "Just one second!" I yelled to him, my hand still out for the money. Chris finally gave it to me, and I walked to the door. I opened it up, and held my hand with the money in it to him.

"Sorry for taking so long, we were just-" I cut short. For the person at the door had the same haircut as me, except for on the other side, he had brown eyes and brown hair, and he looked like he had just been crying.

That wasn't the pizza man.

~Author's Note~

LOL! I'm having so much fun writing this! I'm kind of laughing at my self...
Anyways, next part up soon!!!!!

I'm Sorry For Being Me (Phan/KickTheStickz) Book One- COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now