Chris' POV

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~Author's Note~

Dedicated to MusicMegan143 for commenting on almost every one of my chapters! (She's awesome.)

Chris' POV

"Hey, Chris. Could I come over? -Peej."

I had read and re-read that simple message over and over again for the past half hour, still trying to decide whether or not I should reply. Whilst my internal debate continued raging, I took a sip of my tea. 

Okay, I'll do it.

"Yeah sure! Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I was in the shower. -Chris." I sent him, only slightly lying. I was gonna have a shower now! I swear!

"T.M.I. Don't want to know what you were doing in there. -Pj. (I used my formal name because I'm kind of scared.)" I laughed. 

I hopped into the shower after taking off my clothes and grabbing my towel. I let the warm water heat me up for a few minutes before grabbing the shampoo. 

I finished my shower and went into my room. I chose a nice outfit, I was still madly in love with my best friend, and put it on. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and opened my door. 

I grabbed some movie from the shelf of them and put it in. I realized I had put on...

Fred Claus.

Seriously, Chris? I thought to myself. Christmas has been over for more than a month now!


I got up and opened the door. "Hey, Peej!" I said happily to my friend. He came in and took off his black coat and his classic John Varvatos and went to the couch. 

"Ugh, way to drop the ball, Chris! Fred Claus? Seriously?" Pj complained. I laughed.

"That's exactly what I said to myself when I pulled it off." I said as I sat down beside him.

"Now you're talking to yourself?" He said. I laughed again. "Yep. I'm a psycho!" I said in my best Jim Carrey immitation, which of course was great. Pj laughed, and I laughed with him. 

"So, why did you want to come over?" I asked him as our laughter died down. 

"Well, I wanted to tell that I was lying before." Pj said. I rose my eyebrow in confusion.

"I really do love you. I was basically doing the same thing as Phil except I was worried that we wouldn't be friends anymore if I told you that I loved you." He said. My mouth dropped open slightly, and I quickly closed it.

"So... does that mean...?" He nodded. "I love you too, Chris." He said.

I smiled, crying slightly. He hugged me, but I craved proximity. I pushed him away from me slightly before resting my lips on his. He smiled into it, and I did too. 

This was going to be the best time of my life.

~Author's Note~

Hey dudes and dudettes! Geez, I felt stupid just typing that... Anywho, please check out my profile to find other people who either have great Phan stories or are just great in general!


I'm Sorry For Being Me (Phan/KickTheStickz) Book One- COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now