Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 - The truth of Kabir Mehta

Kabir had been trying to be close to Riddhima, and it was made easy by Raima, she wasn't talking that much to Vansh after the whole Chachi and her jewellery incident. 

What suprised him most was how rude Vansh had been to Chachi and Chachu, he had basically thrown them out of the house for treating Riddhima like a thief. He practically ordered both of them to stay anywhere but here.

Kabir was having milk and kajur his favourite and Riddhima was having chocolate milkshake and they were talking, a part of him did miss these conversations, there was a time when he was actually happy with her.

After drinking she took away the glass and he went to bed thinking what more can he do poison Riddhima's mind.

Raima on the other hand had taken fingerprints from the glass and had sent it to her detective friend and boy what mine of information she found.😈😈

Her detective friend went to the police and gave him all the details and the Commissioner was especially included in this. The next day everyone was having breakfast when

C- Kabir Mehta you are under arrest. 

Rai- I am sorry, but i think you are mistaken, his name is Kabir Sharma. 

C- No Mrs Raisinghania, he is Kabir Mehta. I have been investigating the death of a decorated police officer Kabir Sharma, but when he came to my department under the same name. I knew something was off.

I didn't have much proof so i kept tabs on him with the help of Mishra and Pingle, he had been trying to create false evidence against Mr. VANSH and he is also responsible for the death of Ms. Ragini. 

And you, Kabir Mehta, i pity you, you were just a pawn in Anupriya Raisinghania's game. You are not even her real son, in my research it was shown her baby was still born, she stole you from the hospital. 

Kabir was so shocked and shattered that he didn't even resist when the commissioner arrested him, everyone was so shocked and thinking about what was happening that they didn't see Raima leave.

Kabir was in the police van thinking about what his life had become, he jerked suddenly when he noticed the van stopped moving. The constable pulled him out and they stood watching the commissioner talk to someone. It was Riddhima, what was going on?

Rai- Here you go Commissioner, the money i promised you. Leave please 😈😈(aims a gun at Kabir).

Tch,tch Kabir you thought that i am Riddhima, and since i have lost my memory you can manipulate me but dear i am not Riddhima, she is my twin and now i will make you pay for what you did to my sister. But i am giving you a chance run.

Kabir was bound on hands and legs, he turned to run when he felt a bullet pierce his leg, he fell and shouted in pain

Raima-(turned him) I want you to remember this face, Riddhima took her revenge through me and she killed him by putting a bullet through his head. 

Raima's men finished the job by burning the body. She felt at peace, she went back to VR mansion, Vansh was standing in the living room he suddenly hugged her,she became still😲😲

Va- I am sorry, that i always believed Kabir over you.😭😭

Rai- Yes, you should be, I can't believe Kabir was using me as his pawn, just to fulfill his agenda., You know maybe if you had told me something with proofs maybe I would have listened to you. 😒😒

Anyway what done is done, we both are equally responsible for our misery. But i hope now you know, that your enemies are both outside and inside as well.

All this was seen by Vihaan, he was feeling happy that Vansh is getting his love back, but why in the world did he feel uncomfortable watching them hug.

Raima went back to her room, she was dead tired, she quickly took a shower and went to sleep,not knowing that a person was hiding in the shadows, he came towards her sleeping form, and lightly touched her cheeks  and whispered 'I am back my kitty'

Ps- Kabir is dead🙏🙏🙏, Vihaan starting to feel jealous, and stalker in Raima's room.


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