Emilio/ Serena

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Emilio pov - it's been 6 months 6 fucking months and nothing, I have no idea where she is and I am so worried about her, she is okay , is hurt did something happened everything and anything has been running threw my mind since the last day I saw her, I couldn't even explain I wanted to go after her but we got a call we had to go Kayla and Gabriel were taken, now that is settled and there all okay, I have started looking for her, I know I could go to her Zia Grace and get her to tell but I can't do that because if I do then every one will now that I love her, I know most people will think I am over reacting but I am not, I just need to now she is okay, I just need to know..
I can see everyone has been worried about me. My penthouse has been fix and cleaned so many times from all the damaged I have done.
I can't help but feel that I have truly lost her and it's all my fault.
I need to get my mind of everything, call me an ass and a pig I know I am probably both.
I called up Sasha and told her to come to come over, not even 10 minutes later she is here I swear this girl just stays outside sometimes cause she gets here so fast, desperate whore, but hey I need a release and to keep my mind of  my sweet baby doll who has just vanished.

Sasha- mmmm I am so glad you called me, I have missed you so much ( I reached over to kiss him but he pushes me away )

Emilio- don't try and make this more then what it take your panties of and bend over. ( yes I am an ass but to be fair she is an easy whore and I don't want to kiss her or even look at her there is only one woman on my mind and I can't even find her.
Me I notorious mafia prince can't track her down.
I looked down at Sasha in position, see I talk to her like that she doesn't care she will still give it to me.
I wasted no time ramming my cock into her pussy, she started screaming and moaning but I didn't want to hear here so I out a gag over her mouth and shut my eyes and tried to imagine it was Serena but this bitch is far to loose to be my sweet baby doll.
I grabbed her by her hair and with other I started slapping her ass.

Sasha pov- I want to give him everything and never denied him anything so he will see I will make the perfect wife, but for the first time he won't even look at me or kiss me, I new he used me all those other times but I kept going back so he will see I am the one for him but this time feels different but I won't give up no matter how much it's hurting the way he is taking me, I know he likes it ruff but this is another level, but with nexts words I felt I had to up my game because I could feel everything breaking.

Emilio - ( I shut up eyes and blocked everything out only seeing her , the way I would punish her for leaving me  I started pounding harder and deeper, just as I was about to come I said )
Serena fuck I love you so much baby doll, don't you ever fucking leave me again.

Sasha- I'm.....Sasha...( who is this Serena bitch, she had the nerve to walk away from Emilio and he loves her well I guess it's good she is gone but it still hurts )

Emilio- ( I snapped out of it by her words, I was so lost that it felt like I was seeing her, I quickly pulled out throwing the condom in the bin, I looked at Sasha who looked like she was about to cry, which no I couldn't give a shit about )
I told you already you know what this is now get dressed and get the fuck out.
( I threw her clothes at her and watched her run out of there in tears , I grabbed my phone and told Luca to search for Serena but make sure no one knows about it)

( with Serena)

6 months, a lot has happened and I mean a lot let me take you back 3 months ago.

( three months earlier)

I was at a sight our class was working on and this man  that I see from time to time his always looking at me.
I am currently sitting drinking a coffee and my mind goes where it always does to Emilio god I miss him so much, is it crazy how much I do.
My thoughts get interrupted by the good looking man well no where near good looking and gorgeous like Emilio is , dammit Serena stop...
I looked up at the man smiling at me.

- Hi I'm sorry to interrupt you but I have seen you here many times and I couldn't bring my self the courage to talk to you until now

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- Hi I'm sorry to interrupt you but I have seen you here many times and I couldn't bring my self the courage to talk to you until now.
I am David by the way David Muller  and what would a beautiful lady like your self doing all alone.

Serena- ( I blushed for the first time since Emilio, he was the only one that could do that, I guess this is a sign)
Thank you that is very sweet of you, my name is Serena Del Ria, I only moved here 3 months ago for school, I was originally born here but moved when I was 6.
Would you like to join me.

David- I would love too, I would do anything to get to know you better.

Serena pov - David and I keep talking he was so easy to talk to, I didn't feel intimidated and compelled to obey him like I do with Emilio.
I couldn't stop smiling and I was even happier, I felt so elated when he asked me out on a date, I haven't felt this way since....., well it doesn't matter I will never see Emilio again so it's time, I move forward and Maybe David is that someone.

( fast forward )

Things have been going great with David even though he does have to go back to Switzerland because that's where his main office is, so I don't get to see him as much.
But when we do it's amazing not like the Magical night I had with Emilio, god I really need to stop comparing David is not like Emilio in anyway but that's a good thing right because he is sweet and his not using me.
Anyways things are about to change I have been feeling unwell for the past 3 weeks and I took a pregnancy test and as I suspected I am pregnant now I am waiting for David to get here, he told me he just landed 20 minutes ago so.
I have so many feelings running in my head we have only been together for two months, but it's David he is so sweet and caring so I shouldn't be worried.

Knock.. knock......

David- hey babe so what's wrong are you okay you sounded worried on the phone and you looked really flushed did you go to doctors.

Serena- I'm fine I am just glad your back and I didn't need to go to the Doctors since I am late and have been throwing up I took a pregnancy test and it was positive ( I looked at him his face goes from been pale scared to angry, but why is he angry these sort of things happen all the time right )

David - you can't keep it, get rid of it Serena

Serena- what...why would you ask me that..., I can't do that. ( I started crying, I couldn't even look at him, why would he say that )

David - you just can't have it okay, look I am married and my father in- law is about to hand me his company, ( She can't have it, she is just my girl in Italy Nothing More , I took out my wallet and threw money at her )
Get rid on it Serena, I'm done

Serena pov - I broke down crying holding my stomach, don't worry baby mama won't get rid of you, I will have you with or without him.

( back to the present )

Okay so that pretty much summed everything up about everything that has happened in the last 6 months well except I found out I am having a boy.
And that after the baby is born I am moving back home I got a paid internship while I am studying and my Zia said she will help with him.
The only thing I am scared about going back home is Emilio and what will he think when I come back pregnant.
Even after everything my heart can't seem to forget him.

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