Taking out the threat

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Charlene- Are you sure that they would never find out what we did, I mean that woman almost died and lost her baby, I am sure they are all super man.
It's just I have a feeling that I am been followed
These last two days and the men that are following me umm they look like they are. In Mafia, I am really stressing out...

Margaret- relax I assure you they will never know it was you there where so many people if anything they will think Cay is at fault and they will blame her which will result in her torture than her death after all she was the one that swapped her food so that in it self looks very suspicious.
So don't worry about a thing you will have the last Cruz brother available and if you can't have him well we can always stage an accident for one of their wives and you will take there place but with Cay there who somehow gain Emmanuel attention I have no Idea why but I do know that he will forget all about her when he see you and your immaculate beauty.
No man can resist.
Just give it a few more days then you can go there saying you want to see and spend time with your foster sister she will probably throw a fit you have a cry and turn the tables like she was the mean one who belittled you, with your face and wonderful acting skills are you sure you they will believe you.

Charlene- okay a few days, I can do that.


Junior- alright Fratello we found the house and some other information.
Cay's former foster mother who ran the Group home well it seems that none of them wherever adopted out they we're just kicked out as soon as I turned 18 because that's when she stop receiving money for them.
It says she has had potential parents come in but they soon left shortly after, I have spoken to a few  of them and she threatened to each and everyone of them that they were to act horrible to them so that no one will adopt them and she can keep receiving money which she never spent on any of them.
All their clothes and toys were charity drop off's even no they receive extra funding to buy them clothes and school supplies she had to spend it on herself or on Charlene.

Mateo- please tell me we are going there right to put this bitch out permanently and save the are the girls in the house.

Junior- yes we are, grace Serena's Zia has offered to take over and I have already contacted contractors to fix the place up and the girls said they would take the kids shopping to buy them or new wardrobes and anything else that they want to need.
But we have to take  caution as there are small children in the house we can not go all Rambo and start blowing shit up.
Okay we have some of our guards outside ready and waiting to go lets move out.

Emmanuel- just give me a few minutes I will meet you outside.
( Once we all left the office I went upstairs to see Cay.)
Baby girl, I just wanted to let you know I am going We have some Business to take care of I will be back soon.
( I wrapped my arms around her in a tight and Grace and kissed her lips sweetly which made her blush as bright as a tomato)
Don't wait up for me okay, if your tired just sleep, if you need anything ask one of my sister in laws or my sister and the maids.
( I gave her one last kiss before I left the room and headed to the SUV where guys are waiting)

Emmanuel- "let's do this

Emilio- but we bring that bitch Charlene alive.
Is has a date in the dungeon.

Junior - we are bringing both of those bitches back here but all those girls are to be left unharmed which is why we Brang some of  our female guards.
They get those girls out of there while we do what we have to, I have arranged for them to stay in one of our homes till The proper repairs can be made to this dilapidated house they have been calling home.

Emilio pov- I sat in the back of the SUV my mind running a mile a minute just thinking about how this fucken bitches nearly killed my wife.
We still done completely know why?

Emmanuel pov- I have no idea what these women what and why they did what they did.
I thought for a minute and that's when it hit me I remember what cay said.

Emmanuel- Fratelli listen we are going to catch them Of guard that way the young girls that are in the house can leave without being detected and a fuss will be made we don't need to scare them.
I am just remembering what Cay said.
She said that Margaret always favoured Charlene because she said she was so beautiful that one day a rich and powerful man will make her his wife and because she showed her love and attention that Charlene would never forget that.
I think she just wanted to get rid of Cay so she could come in and try and get my attention so when we go there we will surprise her, I don't think she will even care that you guys are Married.

Junior- alright Fratello we will do it your way, it will be less trauma for those girls.

Emmanuel pov - once we reach this shit box of a house The female guards went around the back and the other guards just waited by the car for a Signal if we needed them which we won't, we all know what type of women these are.


Margaret - agrrr what is the point of having all these useless girls if they can't even answer the dam door. ( I Lowly mumbled that to my self once I open the door I am greeted by all 5 of the Cruz brother's , what are they doing here, let's hope they don't know thats we where behind it )
Hello to all the Mr Cruz's haha
Please come in, to what do I own the pleasure of your presence.

Emmanuel- Caydence walker, I just wanted to come by and see if you have her birth certificate.
She said she couldn't grab it after you get your out ( I watch her face turn a little pale before she quickly covered it up )

Margaret- oh that girl has always been liar , always been trouble you need to watch out for her.
She took all her stuff and left the day before her birthday and Charlene and I planned a party for her and everything and she just well then cussed us  out in front of all these sweet girl that I have in our home.
You must meet Charlene now she she's a sweet girl very respectful and kind hearted and absolute beauty.
Charlene dear why don't you come to the living room and see our guest.

Charlene- oh my to what do we oh the Pleasure of having the Cruz brother's in our home

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Charlene- oh my to what do we oh the
Pleasure of having the Cruz brother's in our home.
I walked up to Emmanuel and touch his shoulder and slightly rubbing his arm.

Margaret- well it seems miss lair pants said they we still have her birth certificate and then I kicked her out can you believe that girl Charlene after every think I have done for her. ( fake cry )

Charlene- oh don't cry mother you tried you best with Caydence but she is just a bad egg , please do be careful Emmanuel I would hate to see her hurt you.

Emmanuel- ( I looked over to Junior and he hi Lily let me know that the guards have the girls securely with them. )
Alright cut the bull shit out now we are going to watch a little show and when you feel like telling the truth I will stop it .
( I pressed play and as soon as they saw what was playing you could see the sweat drip of them )

Junior- Johnny, Dominic take them away, did you honestly think we would believe you that we wouldn't do a deep background check on you.
And did you honestly think you could seduce my brother ha no ...no little hoe you see yes we have all messed around with whores looking just like you well not me, I have always been loyal to my queen since we where babies.
My all brothers messed around until they came across there queen.
And one we meet our queen we see no other woman for no other will shine as bright in our hearts then her's but I guess you took advice from her and now look at yourself she turns you into a whore, telling you if you wear skimpy outfits it will get your husband ha it will get you a one night stand a fling maybe a mistress but title of wife you will never get and even if you chose to change today it's too late your days are coming up short.

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