Taking back what's mine

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Emilio pov- After I had a quick shower and got dress I grabbed the keycard that Alejandro gave me to gain access to the apartment.
I just hope when I get there she will listen to me and let me explain, I did bring the footage that shows what happen but I will show her if she will let me explain.

Once I reach the apartment for the first time in my life I became anxious.
The thought of the prospects of losing them is killing me, not that I would let her but still that thought alone.
I walked into the building and road the elevator to the 30th floor which is where they are as soon as I saw the door number I decided I wasn't going to knock I use the card and walked right in.
I didn't hear anything so I figured they would both be asleep.
I went straight to the master bedroom and there I saw a beautiful sight my woman and my son fast asleep I slowly made my way to the side of the bed and slowly caressed her cheek putting a soft kiss on her forehead whisper in her ear.

Emilio- bambolina wake up ( her eyes slowly flooded open and she jumped slightly and when she saw it was me she immediately  frowned at the sight of me. )

Serena - what are you doing here , 'get out I don't want you here, I don't ever want to see you again.
( I can't believe he is here how did he find me so fast, maybe Alejandro told him traitor, well I guess I should have saw it they are brothers after all. )

Emilio- one watch how you talk to me.
Two you are going to carefully get up and not wake my son up then we are going to the living room where I am going to explain every, I know what you saw but you have to believe me it is not what it looks like.
Now get up so we can talk. ( she looks at me like she was going to fire back but when I gave her that look she stopped and did as I told her to do, and we both walked into the living room )

Serena - look Emilio nothing you say will change anything I saw the picture ( crying) you....lied...( hicup )

Emilio- ( I wasted no time and pulled her to my chest picking her up and sat on the couch with her in my lap holding her by the waist tightly so she can't run off any where  )
Look at me, I am telling you it is not what it looks like nothing happened with me and those whore's I would never do that to you.
You have to trust me, I would never hurt you like that.

Serena- I want to believe you I do....but.....( crying )

Emilio- ( I let out a sigh ) I can show you, I wasn't going to show you right away , I wanted my word to be enough but I guess it isn't.
( I took my laptop and play her the footage her tears filled her eyes even more, she tried to come close to me but I stepped aside.
I love her and she is mine but right now I can see she has no trust for me.)
Not now, I just had to tell you that I didn't do anything, I wanted you to look into my eyes and see my sincerity and have faith and believe in me,  trust me but I guess I got my answer when you didn't believe me, when you didn't take me for my word.
I  love you Serena and I am not going to make you come back you can live here maybe it's for the best wouldn't want you to live with someone you have no trust for.

Emilio pov - I stormed out of the apartment before she could say anything, I know I may have overreacted a little bit but it just hurt to think that she thinks so little of me, I mean I guess maybe she had a right to believe those photo because it's me, but I swear I have been faithful, yeh in beginning a message around a little bit nothing to big just to keep my image up so no one will now but then I started falling more and more in love with her and the thought of been with another woman literally made me sick.
But maybe us living separate will do us good
I will give her few days I have a Mission I need to handle which should keep me busy for a few days
And give her the time she clearly needs then when I come back we can be a happy family again.

Serena pov- oh god what just happened , I mean I saw the footage everything was set up he didn't do anything like I thought he did which made me feel really bad that I suspected the worst from him, but I mean can you blame me he does have quite the reputation when it comes to women.
But still he is right I should have trusted him and let him explain like he wanted to, I guess he didn't want to show me right away to see if I truly trusted him and I failed and now he is gone, I tried calling him but he isn't answering, so I called Alejandro and he told me he will be gone for a few days because he has a Mission and that's all he said I didn't push further because I know he would never tell me.
Well I guess I just have to wait for him to get back at least I have my project that is due in three days I present it's in two days and show it on the third day on the site where are my designs will come to life well that is if they like it, I pray they do I have been working hard for a month straight on this I am just fine tuning it and then it will be already, I just wish Emilio will be there when I present it but I guess even the toughest guy can get hurt when the woman meaning me that he loves didn't have trust of faith in him.
But the thing is I do, it's just that picture it's something I will never get out of my head, I mean  I know now that it is fact but it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt any less.
I will make it us to him when he comes back.
I sat back down on the couch staring into nothing just thinking when suddenly I jumped up at nausea hit me, I ran into the bathroom and puked my guts out.

"So gross, oh god what's wrong with me!

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