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Emilio pov- I went to one of my club to shower and change since I didn't have one I just left right after torturing Luciano to take him back to his father.
I want to see Serena, I convince her to leave Gio for one more day.
So now we can have some alone time don't get me wrong I love my son but I want a hole night and maybe day with Serena.
When I pulled up to the side of the club where my private parking is so I could just go straight to my office from here.
Once I got to my office I headed to the bathroom and stripped my clothes and as soon as I stepped into the hot shower the hot water instantly relaxed my body.
All of a sudden I felt to dainty hands around me I rip them off me and then twist the persons arms they let out aloud screeching sound and I push them against the tiles that's when I say it's Bianca.

Emilio- " What the hell are you doing here Bianca and more importantly why the hell have you been calling me.
You know you are not to call me, so stop blowing my phone up now get out I want to shower in peace and then I am leaving I have things to do.

Bianca- awe.... Don't be like that baby I was calling cause I missed you so much and I love you , I am your girlfriend we are going to get married soon so wouldn't I call you.

Emilio- "Get the hell out now!!!
And what rubbish are you talking about you are not my girlfriend so I sure as hell I am not going to marry you.
Have you gone delusional I told you what we were in the beginning if you can't except that and stay in your place and we will end up right now.
"Now for the last time, get the 'fuck out, I am in no mood to entertain you today.

Emilio pov- I grabbed her by the hair and pushed her out, then I grabbed my phone and called one of the guards to get her out my office and out of my club and to make sure she gets home and stays there.
She has fucked with my baby doll to much, I don't need her crazy ass following me and finding out where she lives.

Serena pov- I am so tried it was a good thing that Gio is staying at the Cruz mansion for another night as much as I miss him, I am also so extremely exhausted, between working for Alejandro and then school then I come home to Gio and I thing he is teething really badly because he just won't sleep I don't know how I have been pushing through it and mustering up the energy but I did but yesterday and today without him as soon as I get home I really feel it.
I think a nice warm bath will do nicely before bed I would make something but I am far to tried to do that I might just have an apple after my bath before I go to bed.
After I filled my bath up and put a couple of bath bombs in there I sink into the bath and shut my eyes enjoy the feeling then all of sudden my mind goes to Emilio I hope he is okay I know he said he is but he was in really bad shape not to long ago.


( Back with Emilio )

Emilio pov-  I sighed in relief when I received a message notifying me that Bianca is a home.
I quickly jumped out of my car and headed to Serena's penthouse.
I swiped my card in the elevator and press the button too the penthouse, once the elevator doors open I called out to her but got no response so I started to panic a little and started searching all over for her when I walked into the room that's when I saw the bathroom light on, mmm looks like baby dolls having a bath but why didn't she hear me.
I got my answer when I walked into the bathroom but in a spilt second my heart started beating rapidly her eyes where shut and she wasn't moving I wasted no time and pick her up out of the water.

Emilio- "Serena baby wake up open your eyes please!!!
( thank god she isn't dead, I can feel her heart beat but I can also feel she has a fever to she is burning and the water was cold )

Serena- huh?.......... 'What?.....
( I was having the best dream, Emilio and I where together, like together not just in secret but out in the open and we got married but before we said I do I felt what sounded like Emilio calling me and someone shaking me.
My eyes slowly open and I was shocked to see I was in Emilio's arms and his worried expression that had fallen on me, why is he looking at me like that )

Emilio- ( once her eyes opened I pulled her closer into my embraced before I pulled her back ready to scold her for falling asleep in the bath and more importantly not going to the doctors but not to worry I have already called Jeremy and told him to come here )
Serena what the hell were you thinking huh? 'You fell asleep in the bath, your body is so exhausted because you have gotten sick and you never got checked out why didn't you tell me or tell Alejandro he would have given you time off .
But you will get that know same goes for school you are not going anywhere until you get better, I talked to Angel she said she will  help Grace watch over Gio so you don't need to worry about him and I am going to take care of you.

Serena- 'No ....... It's ....I'm.....f...fine
I swear just need some more sleep.....
You.....don't need ....to ...stay .....
You have um... work and I , um don't want to keep you
( I would love to be with him and spend some alone time but I can't help about what part of the text I saw from Bianca, he always takes her to events and likes to tell everyone that they are together and of course she is never quiet about it.
God Maybe I do need to go to the doctors, I really don't feel that great but I can't afford to take a break )
Ummm... I promise I will go to the doctors tomorrow....
And I'm sorry for scaring you, I really didn't mean to fall asleep I've just been really busy
( I looked down hoping he would accept my apology and leave , I love him but I don't think I can be his secret anymore )

Emilio- are you finished with you delusional rambling.
I am not going anywhere your mine it is my job to take care of you, you and Gio mean the world to me.
( I saw a look in her eyes, I don't know what it is but something is upsetting her and I will find out, I just hope it isn't me )
Jeremy is on his way here to check on you
Till then just lay down and I will go make you some soup.
( I didn't leave any room for her to say anything, I kissed her cheek and tucked her back in and walked right to the kitchen to start making Serena some chicken noodle soup )

Emillo Mafia prince's Secret LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant