Start of punishment

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Emilio pov- once we arrived to my families home I told Maria the house keeper to take the children to the nursery and to wash and sterilise the breast pump and some bottles.

I have the first of her punishments ready, the first one is well I admit it will hurt her the most but it has to be done she will get firsthand experience on how I felt.
I grabbed her hand and dragged her upstairs.

Serena- Emilio please ( crying) I'm sorry ....
Where did you take the kids I need to feed Aria.

Emilio- I have that covered ( just as I said that Maria walked in with the breast bump and  sachet's  to fill the breastmilk in so I can be stored ) grazie Maria.
( I turned to Serena and her tear filled eyes )

qui inizia a pompare e riempire le bustine tornerò poi parleremo.

( here start pumping and filling the sachets I'll be back then we'll talk. )

Emilio pov- I walked out of the room locking it down completely it will take my fingerprint and only my fingerprint to gain access to our room there is a small compartment where Maria can put her food and take away the empty dishes.
I walked to the nursery where Gio was playing with some toys on the floor.
I had one of the sachet of milk that Serena had pumped Maria took it of me and put it in a bottle then handed it back to me.
I picked up Aria and my heart begin to flutter now I know how mio fratelli feel when it comes to daughters.
This is a hole new love.

Emilio- è la mia principessa affamata papà ha una bottiglia di te non ti preoccupare mi sono assicurato di prendere del latte per la mamma bevi il mio angelo

( she's my hungry princess daddy has a bottle of you don't worry i made sure to get some milk for mommy drink my angel )

Gio- papa are we staying forever or do we have to leave again..

Emilio-  never again figlio, I promise never again will I let your mama take you away we will aways be a family and we will always stay together.
Now after I feed your sister and have a talk to your mama I need you to be a big man and help take care of your sister and don't run any where okay you are to stay here and the room next door.
Maria will be here if you need anything okay.

Gio- okay papa I promise but what about mama where is she.

Emilio- mama isn't feeling well so she is resting in the room I don't want anyone to disturb her okay.

Gio - si papa I promise.

Emilio - ( I hated lying to him but I couldn't tell him the truth he is to young to understand, I turned to principessa who had already gone back to sleep, I picked her up taking her in the other room so she could sleep )

Maria vieni con me per un momento, devi solo far cadere il cibo o raccogliere il suo latte e questo lo capisci.

( come with me for a moment, you just have to drop the food or collect her milk and you understand that. )

Maria- si maestro Emilio
( yes master )

Emilio pov-  I gave both my children a kiss then left there room and walked back to mine.
When I got there all the sachets where on the table along with the pump I called Maria to grab them
But take the pump back once she finish cleaning it.
As soon as Maria left I turn to Serena.

I will speak first then you can explain why you left and why you chose not to tell me you where pregnant with our daughter.
( see just nodded her head choosing not to say anything )

That day you saw me or saw what you did wasn't what it looked like, I was drinking and took some pills then Tommy showed up with That fucking whore Sasha I was so out of it by the time I realise what she was doing I pushed her off and kicked them both out.
Then when I went to check on Gio his was gone I started panicking that's when I went to my fratello he told me what an it is I was and then she ran away he also told me to give you space , I new I shouldn't have listened because if I just went then I would have been able to stop you from leaving, I wouldn't have miss the birth of my daughter. I wouldn't have missed a year of Gio's life , I am even surprised he still remembers me, I am so pissed of at you, you took my daughter away, hell you didn't even tell me that you where pregnant.

Serena - ( crying) I know, I know I should have told you but I was still mad and now I know the truth I feel even worse.
Gio I haven't seen him truly since before I left and it has been weighing on me
Even more because I've been listening in on his prayers and each time I listen to breaks my heart because it's about you and missing you I'm calling for you praying to God that you find us and take us back home. ( crying ) I'm sorry Emilio, I'm so sorry the day you found us I was actually going to tell you, I was swear to you but as fate had it you found us first, I just hope you can forgive me ( crying )
( I continue looking down as silence feel the room )

Emilio-  Of cause I forgive you, I could never stay mad at you bambolina but that doesn't mean you will go without being punished.
This is a punishment unlike anything I've ever done to you before this punishment she will feel what I went through for a whole year without seeing without knowing you were okay without seeing my son seeing him smile having a little talks turn off far the same time and now I find out I had a daughter you took the right to see her being born and worse I see some bastard holding her before I did so you will feel every thing I felt.
( I walked up to Serena and gave her a sweet kiss to her lip, the lips and touch I have missed so much. )
I will see you later tonight, I have to take care of some business that was supposed to take care of it earlier but then I saw you.
Try and get some sleep if you're hungry or you need anything press the buzzer and Maria will bring it to you.
You are not allowed to leave this room nor is anyone allowed to enter it.
Not that you could.
Try and get some sleep bombalina

ti amo, sei il mio cuore
( I love you, you are my heart )

Emilio pov - I walked out of the room and the guards came up to stand guard.
I walked straight to ammunition room where the guys where are all waiting, we are to leave in 30 minutes it's time to take care of  these  rats.


Serena -  I can't believe he did that and what does he mean he will show me how it feels.
I sat on a bed in running my hands through my hair  frustrating not knowing what exactly meant .

Wait no it can't be, he locked me it here and my kids aren't my Baby girl, no please tell me no ( crying )
He can't do that, well I guess he can his Emilio I just pray if this is what he meet then I hope it isn't for a year, it's only been a fews hours without them and I am already losing it.
I guess this is the perfect way to make me feel what he felt and it doesn't feel good.
Please god talk some sense into Emilio please let this punishment stop him please send me a sign that he's not gonna do this for a whole year.
It would completely break me.

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