Lunch with friends

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Salina- hey guys sorry but I can't stay for lunch anymore I got to see my grandma the hospital called but we will definitely see each other at work and Serena we have to have a girls night anyways see ya guys later...

Serena - definitely and I hope your grandmother is alright ( I gave her a hug and she left )

Joel- so Serena tell me about your self

Serena - umm sure I was born in Italy and live there until I was six then I came here and lived with my Aunty Grace she raised me.
My life wasn't like other kids because I lived in the Cruz mansion and it came with a lot of rules because of safety reason especially me been a girl but it was also good too.
Angel and Miguel Cruz have always been incredibly warm and welcome to me and they even sent me to the best schools, they maybe the richest people in the world but they didn't act like some people with a lot of money do and I would know the school I went to had a lot of them.
I didn't really have a lot of friends growing up and the ones that did well lets just say they only really did that because they wanted to get close to the Cruz boys all the girls at my school where crazy about them.
After graduation I went back to Italy to study, As you can tell I came back to make things easier for me, my Aunty Grace watches over my son while I am study or at work well sometimes Emilio does when he is not busy.

Joel- Emilio as in Emilio Cruz .? Son you have a son.... Is Emilio his dad is he your husband or boyfriend ( I have no Idea why I said that, I mean I thought she just new them, maybe she is involved with Emilio he is known for his violent temper why would she want to be with him, he is dangerous he could hurt her and her son but if it is his son I don't think she could leave )

Serena- no Emilio isn't his dad and it's a long and personal story I rather not get into.
As far as Emilio it's  complicated ( I didn't want to talk about Emilio dam I am stupid why did I mention his name ) anyways enough about me tell me about you how long have you worked here for.

Joel- ( I wanted to know more but I could tell she didn't want to talk about it maybe he is abusing her and she is scared that's why she doesn't want to talk about it, the world may look away and not say anything on the subject but I know for a fact that there family is Mafia royalty, I don't have a problem with it I mean Alejandro is a good boss and great man but everyone knows that Emilio has an uncontrollable explosive temperament anything could happen to her, but for now I will let it go and when she trust me I will get her and her son away from him, I mean he can't do much right it is not his son ) well I have been working there for 4 years now I am 24.
I have a little sister Makayla she is 17 and a little brother Marvin who is 14 we live in the same house we grew up in, I never moved out of home like most people would have I wanted to help my mom she worked 3 jobs growing up so we could have everything we needed so Now that I have a good job that pays well I just wanted to take care of them so now mom has more time for my siblings I paid of the house so she wouldn't have to worry about paying for the mortgage.
Although sometimes it can be crazy my mom is always nagging me about meeting a nice girl and
Settling down with her and I think I have found that girl, ( I didn't mean to say those words they just came out but I couldn't look away from her )

Serena - mmm really so who is this girl what is she like, I hope she treats you right you deserve your family is lucky to have you, I am sure your mom is so proud of you.

Joel- I haven't told her yet how I feel, I haven't really known her for long but I was instantly in love with her when I saw her for the first time but I will tell her in due time I know she has been through a lot and I just want to give her some space. I don't mind waiting because she is definitely worth it.

Serena- well who ever she is will be Lucky to have you.
Hey looks like we better get back to work.

Joel- yep looks like it we got 10 minutes, there is an ice cream stand on the way would you like one.

Serena - there is always room for ice cream hahah...

Serena pov- we both walked back to the office getting an ice cream on the way we continue to talk, he seems like a really nice guy who loves and is devoted to his family, like some else I know only difference would be there physical appearance and there personalities Joel is very sweet and caring and polite where as Emilio well he can be sweet but only to me and his family well most of them and most of the time and his temper he loses it fairly quickly.
God why am I thinking about this the only thing I should be thinking and praying for is that Emilio doesn't find out about this, I don't want anything to happen to Joel cause if anything did his family would suffer and that is the last thing I want and I also really want him to tell this girl he is crushing on how he feel and I would also like to meet her too.

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