Warmth | Female Reader x Patxi

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Note: This is not meant in a romantic way, so NO bestiality. Just PLATONIC romance/friendship. Yes, there is a difference.

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(S/C) = Skin Color

(E/C) = Eye Color


"Bless you." Was the gruff response from the owner of the house.

"Thank you" was the (H/C) girl's response.

"Heh, how were you able to save all of Proper Human History from Incineration if you can't even stand up to a simple cold weather?"

"This so-called simple cold weather is not something I am used to, even before Humanity was first Incinerated, then later Bleached I did not go out of Chaldea often to explore around Antarctica where it was based at. It was simply too cold for my liking Patxi." Was the girl's retort as she shivered (I'm not a big fan of the cold, only if it's mild weather).

"Fair enough," the purple, white furred Yaga conceded, still chuckling at her predicament.

(Y/N) pouted at that, it wasn't her fault that she wasn't used to the cold. She heard that Russia could be cold at times, but this was ridiculous (unless the Lostbelt made it worse than what it usually is), and her new mystic code did not help make it any better.

"Your outfit also exposes you to the freezing temps, you know."

"Gggrrrr don't remind me" Y/n snarled, annoyed that they had the same train of thoughts about her current outfit. She swore, if she ever found out who was it in the R&D department that thought exposing her legs was a good idea, she was going strangle them. Consequences be damned!

Just because the whole saving Humanity from world ending threats sounded like it could come from a video game, or an Anime/Manga series doesn't mean that she was invincible even if she was the fabled protagonist. She can still feel cold thank you very much! At least Mash had a full winter coat for herself.

As explained by Gudako

As explained by Gudako

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Speaking of the shield-wielding purple-haired Kouhai, she has been gone for an awfully long time along with the rest of the Shadow Boarder crew communicating with her. The (H/C) hair girl could not help but be worried that's something might have happened. But she shook mind of those notions, despite Mash having downgrade in terms of power, she trusted her to be able to come back safely.

"Also," Y/N said, "let's not forget that you have fur to cover your entire body while I don't." she added, slightly jealous of his warm fur.

"True" Patxi had to give her that, "but, even with my fur I have to keep myself warm with extra clothing."

"Hhmm" The Master hummed as she cuddled closer to fire for extra warmth, drinking the hot beverage that Patxi had given her earlier.

The two sat in silence for a while, watching the fire crackle and adding more wood when it started to die down.

"Would you like to cuddle with me?"


Was Y/N response to the unexpected question that Patxi threw at her. The anthropomorphic wolf blue eyes staring unflinchingly into her (E/C) eyes. Letting her know he wasn't joking.

"It's obvious that you are not going to get warm fast anytime soon. So, why not share my body heat with yours?"

"Ah, ah, we-well, o-okay" was all that could be heard from Y/N stammering. He had a good point, and she could tell that he wouldn't take advantage of her. He was simply trying to help her (and she would be lying if she hadn't entertained the notion of feeling his fur).

"All right, let's do it."

Patxi said, hiding his eagerness behind his stoic mask. He honestly was curious about how human skin would feel against his fur. Hence why he suggested the idea besides trying to help keep her warm. Getting up he proceeded to shrug off his coat, and then remove his shirt causing his audience to suddenly gain a red face from the view.

"W-What are you doing?!" Y/N shouted as she covered her face, which did nothing to hide her blush. Did she misjudge him?

Patxi laughed at the rather innocent reaction from the teen actions (we'll just say she is in her late teens). "Relax Y/N, I'm only doing this because it's a more efficient method to transfer our body heat." Making his way to the front of the fireplace he patted his hand on his lap, "C'mon, you don't want to stay freezing, do you?" he teased making her face turn even redder.

'Acting like offering this kind of thing is no big deal, jerk' Y/N thought to herself pouting at the Yaga teasing. Which only served to make him chuckle more at her expense. Sighing as she was not seeing any other alternative she complied and sat down on his lap leaning onto his surprisingly muscular furry body.

'...He smells good' Y/N thought to herself as she relaxed against his chest, his fur tickling her face as she rubbed against it, she could feel her body warming up from the contact. While Patxi adjusted himself into a comfortable position, his hands feeling her (H/L) (H/C) hair and her (S/C) arms (taking care not to accidently scratch her with his claws), avoiding her chest to keep his boundaries in check, as they both fell into a lull-like state.

In this moment, not even the raging winter storms could be heard as they lean into each other's company. A small reprieve from the eventual fighting that would be soon to come.

Aanndd done. This was a little tricky because I had to make sure it would not go into bestiality (I do not want my story taken down because of that), so I figure a little fluff would be acceptable. Hopefully I got his personality right since I haven't rewatched the scenes for the first lostbelt in a while. 

You know, thinking about it, I feel like Patxi along with Adele and Macarios all have the potential to be summoned as heroic spirits due to their actions in their respective lostbelts. They actively helped us and sacrificed their lives for us (with Patxi steeling our resolve to bring back our world even at the cost of theirs). Though it probably would be those three that could be summonable, as the lostbelts 2-4 npcs we connected to were children and/or did not have much influence on the story. Then again, weirder reasons to be able to summon heroic spirits have happened.

Onto the next oneshot I suppose. Have a good day!

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