My Hero | Shirou Emiya x Female Reader Part 1

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(Something I noticed is that there is a small amount of Shirou x reader on this site or other sites I've been to

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(Something I noticed is that there is a small amount of Shirou x reader on this site or other sites I've been to. His Archer self yeah, but regular Shirou no. So, I decided to write about him for that reason even though he is a main character. Apologizes if I don't get him right, I'm basing my knowledge on fanfics I have read about him)

(F/N) = Female Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

Sorry if I get the honorifics wrong

Fuyuki City, Japan

(One of the closet I could find for at least daytime

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(One of the closet I could find for at least daytime. Does anyone know where I can get pictures for daytime Fuyuki?)


Was the sound of food cooking in the Emiya household. Arousing an (H/C) hair teen from her slumber. Her body protesting from leaving the comfort of her bed as she went to the kitchen.

"Ah, (F/N)!" "Good morning"

Came the voice of the cook as he greeted his roommate with a cheery grin.

"Good ah Morning Shirou." Was the sleepy response that came out the girl's mouth as she tried to wake herself up.

"Heh, still not used to the time difference yet (F/N)?" Shirou asked, chuckling a bit at the girl's sleepy yet cute state.

"No, man what I was thinking?" (F/N) said out loud, shaking her (H/L) (H/C) hair away from her face as she sat down and waited for the redhead to serve breakfast. "I seriously did not think it through when I signed up for the International Exchange program my school offered."

Originally, (F/N) was from (Country name) who had signed up to study abroad. Japan was her first choice because she was curious as to what the country was like. While she might have fangirled over some attractive characters in the manga's she's read, she did not go overboard like some of her friends did and kept a leveled head. True to her expectations, Japan was very different in customs and culture.

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