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It seemed like you had already decided in your mind that you weren't planning to stay anymore.

Lawrence didn't like it - he'd made that much clear. But you'd discovered by now Lawrence was someone who had a hard time trusting people, and who also constantly shouldered the responsibility of everyone's safety.

After the Safe Zone, could you really blame him for wanting everyone to stay here?

He was as reclusive as ever, only ever appearing at meals. He seemed normal enough whenever you saw him, maybe even a bit too cheerful, but it was clear that he wasn't the same after everything that had happened since leaving the school.

A part of you felt a stab of guilt just at the thought of it. In a way, Lawrence had been right about the place all along. Leaving the school, had it really been a mistake? And was it your fault that it happened?

That night long ago, in the dark of Lawrence's classroom, you wondered what would have happened if you never told him you'd wanted to go to the Safe Zone. The flyer would have stayed "lost" and everyone would be forced to move on, continuing life in the school.

The thought made you want to cry.

You would do anything just to be back there again, spending time with all of your friends like the old days. Before everyone had become so cold and broken.

These days, Lawrence spent most of his time in the basement. It had become the place where he knew no one would bother him, and he could work on whatever it was he liked to work on, uninterrupted. You wondered what exactly he was planning down there.

Regardless, his constant absence had given you an idea.

Lawrence was the only one who seemed outwardly opposed to the idea of leaving. But what if you could get everyone else on board? Maybe Lawrence would say no to you and Zion, but if all of the guys agreed to your plan, well...

Could Lawrence really say no to that?

You didn't really know your relationship with Lawrence, and to be honest you didn't know if there had ever been a point when you did. He cared deeply about your well-being, as he did everyone in the group, but you always felt as though his treatment toward you was different in some way.

It was weird to think, but it almost felt like Lawrence was prioritizing you and your safety over everyone else's.

Something about that made you feel at unease. Lawrence was well-intentioned, but his emotion toward things was often intense and even irrational. To what lengths would he go to make sure you were safe?

You would drive yourself crazy if you kept thinking like this. Shaking your head to yourself, you climbed the stairs to a room you knew the person you were looking for would be in, stopping outside the door and peeking past.

Inside, someone sat at a piano, idly humming a tune as they pecked at the keys. It was Eugene, of course. You couldn't help but feel overjoyed that he seemed almost completely better after what had happened at the Safe Zone, his strength coming back and his frame not looking so small anymore.

"Uh, Eugene..." you called quietly, feeling bad for interrupting him, and he immediately went quiet.

He turned away from the piano, giving you an odd look.

"Were you listening to me?" he asked, and you couldn't tell if he was embarrassed. Quickly you shook your head, coming inside the room and closing the door behind you.

"I just got here, actually," you tried reassuring him with a weak smile. It was odd, you hadn't naturally pulled a smile in so long. It felt too forced, so you stopped.

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