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You wanted to scream. To jump out of bed and run. Or to attack the person who was standing there, attack them and escape.

But you were so shocked and scared you couldn't do anything.

It was a tall, sturdy looking woman with an all-too-familiar syringe in one of her medical-gloved hands. And despite what she was about to do, she gave you a comforting smile.

"I don't want you to get hurt," she said, and there was some warning to her words, "so don't struggle, okay?"

Her smile widened and you started to feel nauseas.

She was going to take you.

All of your words stuck in your throat, and all you could do was shake your head in protest.

"Don't be scared," she coaxed, "As long as you're cooperative, this won't hurt a bit."

She reached out to grab your arm, and you jerked back, feeling a surge of adrenaline.

"Get away from me!" you screamed, moving back. The woman pursed her lips, sighing.

"Don't be like this," she said, lunging forward to grab your ankle before you could get off of the bed. "Just stay still."

Stay still. You imagined Judy and Sue struggling for their lives, fighting with every ounce of their strength, and you felt a burst of anger.

You weren't going to let them win.

You stopped moving, and the woman gave you an approving nod. "See? Was that so-"

Before she could finish, you gave her a hard kick in the throat. From your position it wasn't that strong, but the surprise made her stagger back, letting out a choking cough.

You leapt off the bed, sprinting towards the door. The woman had recovered by now and pulled something from her back pocket.

A taser.

"Get back here, you little brat!" she scowled, her voice hoarse. She had already halved the distance between you two. You couldn't outrun her, so in the split second you had, you yanked the cord to the TV, sending it flying off of the dresser and onto the floor. She tripped on it, almost landing face first into the carpet.

The door was blocked with a chair, and you didn't think you had time to move it while she got back to her feet. If you got the taser, then maybe that would buy you enough.

The woman was on her hands and knees, and you grabbed the first thing you could find - the television remote - and brought it down on her head as hard as you could. The plastic cracked, but it didn't seem to do much.

"Get over here!" she spat, grabbing the front of your shirt. You felt a surge of panic as she pulled you down onto the ground, pushing her knee into your stomach to hold you.

You tried to get up, but she was too strong. She lifted up the taser, a grave look on her face.

"I didn't want to have to do this," she said. If you got tased, it would all be over.

Who knew what would happen to you then.

You felt a bunch of sharp shards under your arms, piercing your skin. Glass. From the TV. Without giving it a second thought you snatched one up, stabbing the woman in the knee right as she started to bring down the taser.

She cried out, dropping the taser and falling back. It landed on your face, making you see stars, but you didn't have any time to dwell on the pain. You grabbed it, scrambling forward to drive it right into the woman's stomach. The crackle of electricity illuminated the room, and she spasmed for a second before going completely limp.

The room fell silent, the only sound your labored breathing.

You only sat there for a second, but it felt like an eternity. You just couldn't believe she was passed out and not you.

I need to get out of here.

It felt like your legs had a mind of their own when you stood up, running at the door. You threw the chair aside, bursting into the hall, and then rushing into the room next to yours.

You only made it two steps before you fell to the ground, the taser clattering out of your hand. Your ankle was throbbing, and your arms were riddled with stinging cuts.

"(Y/n)! What happened to you?" a voice exclaimed. You heard Saddle's scared mewing nearby.

"Someone came for me, Lawrence," you gasped. "They came to take me."

He didn't respond at first. You heard papers rustling and things moving around. Was he looking for something?

More importantly, how long was that woman going to be unconscious?

"Let's go," Lawrence said suddenly, and you looked up to see his backpack on and his arms full.

"We're leaving?" you asked in shock. "But we aren't-"

"You're crazy if you think I'm letting everyone stay here after you almost got taken," Lawrence said, helping you to your feet. "It's a miracle you're even here right now."

Saddle must've gotten the memo because he dashed over, climbing up the back of Lawrence's legs and into his open backpack. You picked up the taser, your knees feeling weak.

"Are you okay?" Lawrence asked. "I mean, do you think you can do this?"

"I'm fine," you replied, putting a little weight on your leg. A shock of pain went through your ankle, but it was bearable.

It had to be.

The two of you hurried over to Ethan's room, which was the one beside Judy's. As you passed yours you tried to glance inside, but it was too dark.

Lawrence pushed open the door, knocking on it to wake up Ethan.

"We're going," he said. "Get everything you need."

All Ethan mumbled out was an "okay" before he got out of bed. He didn't even seem that surprised.

After he came out, the next door after Sue's was Zion's. Lawrence was about to open it when you heard heavy breathing from the hall behind you.

You spun around, and standing there was the woman, looking disheveled.

"I won't... let... you leave..." she panted, staggering forward. She'd taken out the glass to use as a weapon and with every step her leg gushed blood.

You felt your heart squeeze with fear and you backed up.

"You're going to... regret what you-" she went on, until Ethan stepped forward, swinging his bat into the side of her head. The force of it made her crumple off to the side, falling limp to the floor, blood beginning to leak from her head.

Despite the fact she was probably dead, you felt a little relieved.

"We should hurry," Ethan said, and Lawrence nodded.

You were really going to leave tonight. Even though the plan wasn't finished, and hundreds of things could go wrong, now was the time.

You just hoped that whatever luck had saved you from being taken kept you and your friends safe, together until the very end.

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