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The van had plenty of room for everyone, but yet there was still arguing over who would take shotgun.

In the end it was decided that Lawrence would, so he could give directions to Judy. You, Harry and Sue sat in the row behind the driver and passenger. Zion, Jay, and Ethan sat in the next row, Hailey stuck in the very back with a wheezing Eugene, both sitting on the floor of the van.

"So when did you learn to drive?" you asked Judy. Her father was the overprotective type, so you were surprised he ever taught her.

"After everything went wrong. My dad showed me how in case something ever happened to him," she explained. "Guess it's good that he did."

"Stop here for a moment," Lawrence said abruptly, peering out of the window. Judy slowed down to a standstill, and Lawrence opened his door, getting out.

"(Y/n)," he called, gesturing for you to follow. Harry gave you a curious look as you went out after the leader.

"Be right back," you told him, and you already knew what the stop was all about. Lawrence was already going to the familiar spot on the side of the street, and you hurried to catch up.

A black tail flicked out from behind the large dumpster and Saddle poked his head around the corner, meowing. Then he saw Lawrence, bounding out and grabbing onto his pants before he could even get closer.

"Happy to see me?" he asked the little black cat with a warm smile, pulling Saddle off of his leg to lift him into his arms. Saddle rubbed his head against Lawrence's shirt, purring.

"I hope no one's allergic to cat fur," you joked as the both of you walked back towards the van. You stroked Saddle's back gently, but he didn't even seem to care about you.

"You brought that thing in here?" Zion asked in disbelief the minute Lawrence sat down. Judy beamed when she saw it, reaching out to pet him but then quickly pulling her hand back when he bristled, back raising.

"What's wrong, scared of a little kitten?" Jay teased as the van started to move again. Saddle rested comfortably on Lawrence's lap, grooming himself.

"I'm not scared," Zion muttered, crossing his arms and going red. Jay just laughed.

The drive was quiet for a while after, except for Lawrence occasionally telling Judy where to go.

"Why don't we check the radio?" Sue suggested, breaking the silence. "Maybe there will be an emergency station."

"Radio doesn't work," Judy replied with a frown. "The antenna broke a while ago."

"How about some music?" Came Jay's voice from behind you. "Any CDs in here?"

Judy shook her head. "No, sorry."

"I'm bored," Zion announced loudly.

"We should be glad we're not out there with the zombies," Harry reminded him gently.

"I am glad!" Zion insisted. "Glad and bored."

Eugene coughed loudly from the back, groaning.

"I hope it isn't anything too bad," you said to Harry, turning to look at Eugene worriedly. His arms were wrapped around himself and he was shivering, looking paler than ever.

"Does the heater work?" Harry asked Judy, who was concentrated hard on the road.

"Oh! It does, actually," she said, turning some dials on the front panel. A low hum came from it and you could feel warm air traveling through the van.

Saddle yawned, curling up into a ball, and you felt a little tired as well. But you doubted you could fall asleep in the van, in fear that something might happen.

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