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Once outside you could hear all of the alarms blaring. Everyone was screaming and panicking, and it didn't take long to figure out why.

"Z-z-z-zombies!" Hailey screamed. "They got in!"

You felt the familiar heart-pounding fear of a zombie encounter. No matter how many times you saw them, it still scared you as much as the first time.

"This way," Felix said urgently, leading everyone towards the side instead of the front.

To the lot.

"What about the guards?" you asked.

"I'm hoping they're distracted."

You could hear the howls and snarls of zombies not too far away, and knew they were feasting. Gunfire was sparse. It wouldn't be long before zombies overrun the entire place.

Felix stopped when the side gate leading to the lot was in view. "Just go through there. They might have a prison bus left. The keys will be in the ignition. And whatever you do, try and make it out of here safely."

He turned to go back towards the thick of the panic.

"Where are you going?" you asked. "We can all make it out of here together."

Felix turned back around, giving you a weak smile. "I have to help those people," he said. "All of them are in here because of me. It's the least I can do."

"But..." you tried to argue, but there was nothing you could say.

"Go, while you still have the chance!" he called over his shoulder, starting to jog away. "And do me a favor. Never come to this place again!"

"Felix!" you screamed back. "Thank you! For helping us get out! I promise I'll pay you back one day!"

You didn't know if he heard you, because by then he was out of sight.

"Let's hurry up," Jay scolded. "I can taste the fresh air already!"

"And it tastes like rotten flesh and gasoline!" Zion agreed, and he sounded way too happy about it.

The gate was locked, but it only took a single hit from Ethan's bat to crack it open. Everyone flowed into the lot, which was a more condensed version of the chaos from the main yard of the Safe Zone.

A horde of zombies eating guards.

Lawrence put a finger to his lips, walking flush to the gate to keep as far away from the zombies as possible. Everyone did the same, following after him towards the back. Just like Felix said, there was one bus left.

"Go slow," Lawrence whispered, herding everyone towards the door. None of the zombies had noticed you yet, too busy with their meals. Hailey clamped her hand over her mouth to stifle her panicked breathing.

Being inside the bus felt like freedom.

"You can drive, right?" Ethan asked Harry.

"Yes, I can..." Harry responded slowly. "You aren't saying that I should drive this thing, are you?"

"Well why not?" Zion asked.

"I mean, I've driven cars before, but nothing this large and complicated..." Harry explained, but then he caught sight of your worried look. "Ah, well, it can't be that hard, can it?"

"Not hard at all," Lawrence said unconvincingly.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Jay cried.

You hurriedly took a seat behind the driver's seat, Eugene sitting next to you. He rested his head on your shoulder, looking tired.

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