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The rest of the day, the guys worked out a route on the map using their knowledge of the city while you watched over Eugene and drifted in and out of a troubled sleep. When he finally woke his eyes were clear again, but after eating and drinking he went right back out like a light.

You couldn't help but worry about him.

It was around midnight when a troubling dream jolted you awake. You couldn't remember it well, but it had something to do with someone trapping you in a basement with them.

You let out a shaky breath, and relieved it was only a dream, stood up and stretched. You decided to go outside for some fresh air to clear your head a little.

You didn't expect to see him out there, his back to you, and his fluffy pale hair looking just like the snow that blanketed the ground he sat on. He hadn't seemed to notice you come out.

You wordlessly walked to his side, plopping down next to him.

"Harry? You okay?" you asked gently.

He tried to put on a smile, but it faltered and you could see right through it. He looked sad. Pained. Scared.

"I'm fine," he told you. "Just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?" you pressed.

"It's nothing," he deflected. "You should go back to sleep. It's not good for you to worry about me."

Somewhere in the distance, you heard a wolf's howl. The night was so quiet. So peaceful. But so many things were wrong.

"I'm more worried when you keep everything to yourself," you sighed.

Harry turned his head to stare at you. His face was ghostly pale, and you noticed he was shivering.

"How long have you been out here?" you asked in concern, putting your hand against his cheek. He pushed into its warmth, letting his eyes flutter close.

"It's not important," he murmured. "I feel better now, anyways. Better now that you're here."

You fell silent. He had to have been out in the snow for a long time to be this cold. And something about him seemed... off.

You pulled your hand away so you could scoot over, and instantly his eyes opened and he grabbed your wrist, squeezing it tightly.

"Please don't leave me," he said in a panic.

"I wasn't leaving," you said, surprised. "I was just trying to get closer because you look like you're freezing."

"O-oh, I'm so sorry," Harry apologized, letting you go quickly. "I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what came over me. Did I hurt you?"

He laughed nervously, not quite looking like himself.

"Harry... are you sure you're alright?" you asked carefully. "You're kind of scaring me."

"Uh, I'm fine. It's just, I'm kind of not feeling too good." He was talking fast and stumbling over his own words like he was anxious. "I mean, I feel fine! You don't need to worry or anything. I just kinda, y'know, I'm kinda-"

"Slow down. What are you saying?"

"It hurts. Everything. I can't... every time I close my eyes I see him and I think about what I should've done differently and how I could've stopped it and it hurts and I-"

"Harry," you interrupted, placing your hand on his back, and he stopped, looking at you with troubled eyes. "Calm down. What are you trying to tell me?"

He took a deep breath, taking off his ring to hold tightly in his hand.

"When I was a kid," he began slowly, "I didn't have... the greatest childhood. I mean, I had a decent home, and I had plenty of toys and games, but..."

Harry swallowed hard. "M-my dad... wasn't that nice."

"Was he mean to you?" you asked gently.

"He was. He worked a lot... and he would get really stressed and angry. He and my mom would argue, and... a-and..." Harry shook his head, taking another breath. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

"They'd argue, and then I would hear my mom... screaming. Screaming at him to stop, to stop hurting her. The first time it happened I ran out and I cried and I begged him to stop it. So he just turned around and he hit me too. It hurt so much... and I had so many bruises my teacher called my mom in for a conference the next day after school to ask what happened. And my mom lied, said it was from the playground. And I lied. Because we were both scared of him."

You were stunned into silence.

"After that whenever they started arguing, I would hide under the bed because I knew he would hurt me. Even when my mom would start to scream, I'd stay hidden because I was scared and I hate myself for it. But in the end, it didn't matter because he'd always come into my room after he got bored of her and pull me out and hit me with whatever he could get his hands on."

Harry opened his fist to look down at the ring. You'd never seen him wear such a look of pure sadness.

"When I got older I'd just stand in front of my mom and let him take it all out on me. It hurt so much more, but I felt better knowing my mom wasn't getting hurt anymore. She'd always cry so much after... she'd always tell me she was so sorry... and one day she gave me this ring and told me that it would give me happiness. The day after was the day I snapped. He had his hand raised, getting ready to hit me, and my mom was behind me pleading for him not to, and I remember just feeling so... done. So over it."

You reached over to squeeze his hand, and you realized you were shaking.

"I'll never forget the look on his face when I pushed him to the ground. I yelled at him to leave, to get out right then or I'd call the police and tell them about everything he did. He got so freaked out he did. He left right then and there, and he never came back."

He turned to smile at you, but it quickly disappeared, replaced with a look of concern. "(Y/n), I- Are you crying?"

You were crying? You hadn't realized it since you'd been so focused on Harry's story. Tears were streaming down your face, and you almost felt as surprised as Harry looked.

"Please don't cry," Harry said, desperately wiping your cheeks. "God, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have vented to you like that. That was too much."

"N-no, it's okay," you sniffled. "I'm g-glad that you told me. Doesn't it f-feel better to not keep it bottled up?"

"Yeah. It does." Harry slipped the ring back on before standing up, reaching out his hand to help you with a kind smile.

Harry was always so nice, so selfless... you never could've imagined something like that happened in his past. You took his hand, getting to your feet and then giving him a long, tight hug.

"Thanks for caring for me, (Y/n)," Harry said warmly. "It really means a lot. On that note, I think we should get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

You nodded in agreement. You weren't sure, but it felt like Harry's face was even brighter than before. Him telling you about his life definitely brought you two closer.

Even though everything went well, when you followed Harry back to the bus, you couldn't help but feel off.

It was probably just your imagination. But it felt like someone had been watching you and Harry the entire time.

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