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You waited for Harry as he got his camera and extra film from his room. When he came out you walked with him outside, into the yard, where he looked around for a place to get good shots.

"How about over there?" he suggested, pointing over to a grassier part of the yard. You nodded, following him over.

"Do you mind laying in the grass? I think we could get a good shot," he asked.

"As long as no bugs try to bite me," you said, lowering yourself onto the ground. You spread your arms out, smiling for the picture, and Harry snapped one. Then you sat up, watching him as he waited for it to develop.

"You're very photogenic," he complimented as he looked over the photo, and you turned away in embarrassment.

"Here, let's take one together," he offered, sitting down in the grass next to you. He turned the camera around selfie-style, getting ready to take the shot when suddenly you heard a noise come from inside the school.

It sounded almost like an explosion.

Harry was on his feet in a second, pulling you up before you could even register what had happened and dragging you back towards the doors of the school.

The two of you rushed up the steps, and when you got to the hallway you saw almost everyone in the hallway looking panicked.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, looking around, the air smelling like charred chemicals and smoke. Hailey had a hand over her mouth and nose to block the smell, pointing over at the room where the dark clouds were coming from.

It was your room.

A bad feeling filled your stomach and you ran forward, throwing open the door, and looking in horror at what you saw. A fire was spreading across the desks, burning hot, and you panicked, looking around for something to stop it.

The red of a fire extinguisher caught you eye and you rushed towards it, pulling it from the wall and fumbling to get it to work. You'd never used one before, all of the different components beginning to confuse you. Your vision was fogging up and you coughed, starting to feel light-headed.

Suddenly you felt the extinguisher being wrenched from your grip, and next thing you knew the room was filling up with the white foam. You doubled over, wheezing and wiping at your eyes.

"Are you okay?" asked a voice, and you saw Sue with the fire extinguisher in her hands. You nodded, unable to speak as you coughed again.

"Sheesh, get out of there you two!" someone scowled, and you were being pulled back into the hall, the air less thick here. It was Zion who had taken you and Sue out of the room, looking at both of you with disapproval.

"(Y/n)! Why would you do something like that? You could've gotten hurt!" Harry scolded.

"There was a fire!" you insisted. "I couldn't just let it burn!"

"It's out," Ethan reported, waving his hand in the air to clear the smoke. "It smells like chemicals in there."

You wondered what would produce that kind of smell when Eugene came out after Ethan, holding something black and burnt between two fingers. It was so disfigured you didn't recognize it at first, but then you realized what it was.

"That's my phone!" you cried, reaching out to take it. It was still warm, and the back part was bent outwards.

"The battery must have been what exploded," Sue said thoughtfully. It made sense, and it also had a strong stench of scalded chemicals.

You then remembered Lawrence's jacket was still in your room. You hoped it hadn't been burned in the fire. You were about to go check when suddenly everyone went quiet and you saw Lawrence rush over.

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