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"Of course everything falls apart right when I'm in the middle of an amazing dream."

Zion was complaining as usual, despite this horrible situation. Everyone was gathered together and was making last minute plans in the lobby, trying to tie up any loose ends.

"I know it's pretty obvious, but this is a really bad idea," Felix said for the dozenth time. "We can't at least wait another day?"

"No, we can't," Lawrence insisted. "I've already failed Judy and Sue, and I'm not going to lose anyone else."

"That's assuming no one dies during the escape," Felix muttered.

"I think I'm g-gonna throw up," Hailey stuttered, looking pale. She gagged, and Jay inched away from her.

"Does everyone remember their role?" Lawrence asked. "If you're unsure about anything, anything at all, now is the time to ask."

No one said anything. The silence was almost peaceful.

"Then let's roll," Lawrence ordered, waving everyone down the hall. You had a flashback of leaving the school. Everything had seemed so bright back then.

Please, let us all make it out of here safe.

All of you trooped down the stairs, into the lobby, and out the front doors. From here, you, Felix, and Zion would break off towards the gate's front entrance. Zion would have the flare gun, and you and Felix each had a taser.

"When you finish, run over to the infirmary, and then we'll rendezvous at the electrical building," Lawrence reminded you. He, Harry, Ethan, Hailey, and Jay would be hiding with the pepper spray, and when you got back they'd spray the main entrance.

"C'mon," Zion urged, pushing your back, and you couldn't remember the last time you'd seen him look so serious. And speaking of looks, Felix was wearing a worried expression. He didn't seem so hopeful.

You were thankful that no one was around at this time of night. There were almost no lights, and you were able to jog up to the gate without being spotted. There was an old toll booth, tipped over about ten yards from it, and the three of you ducked behind it.

Zion pulled out the flare gun, fumbling with the round before finally loading it in. He had two more, one for if he missed and the other for emergency.

"You think this thing will really go that far?" Zion whispered. There was a tall, thick tree just outside of the Safe Zone, and he was supposed to try and set it ablaze with the flare.

It did seem pretty far.

"Just go!" Felix hissed.

Zion rolled his eyes, propping his elbows up on the edge of the booth, aiming. Then with a loud pop and a hiss, the blast fired off. It soared over the wall, but then dropped out of view.

"Shit," Zion cursed, reaching in his pocket for the second one. In the distance, you started to hear confused shouts from the guards.

"Hurry," you urged.

"I gotta get closer," he said, jumping to his feet. "You two go to the infirmary. Those guys will be coming any second."

"What do you mean? And leave you here?" you protested, reaching out to stop him. Zion scoffed, sticking out his tongue.

"Don't be cheesy," he scolded. "It's just that I'll definitely get caught dragging you guys around!"

Zion, still being his typical self. You managed a small smile.

"Be safe," you said, before turning off to follow Felix.

It had gotten even colder than before, so much that you could see your breath hanging in the air. The sky was blanketed with dark clouds, and you thought briefly of snow.

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