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Since Lawrence was gone and Felix was still technically under suspicion, Sue and Laura took the role of being leaders.

The quickest dinner they could think of to make was peanut butter sandwiches on a weird organic bread full of seeds. You picked at yours, your stomach turning when you put it even near your mouth. And it wasn't the bread's fault.

"Not hungry?" Zion asked, tucking in without a problem. He was on the right of you, Jay the left, and Harry across. You shook your head in response, pushing your plate over to him.

"You should at least try to eat some of it," Harry coaxed, sliding your sandwich back in front of you.

You couldn't bring yourself to. Judy was missing, Felix was framed, and Lawrence was responsible? How could things go so wrong?

"Do you think Lawrence really framed him, Harry?" you asked suddenly. Harry was taken aback by your question.

"W-well," he stuttered, but a sharp voice cut him off.

"Felix is innocent," came the words of Laura, approaching your table. "He'd never do something like this."

Zion scoffed, flicking a breadcrumb off of his plate at her. "Strange, I don't remember anyone asking you," he said, and Jay coughed to mask his laugh as her face started to turn red.

"It's not a laughing matter!" Laura snapped, partly from embarrassment. "I mean, just look at him! He's absolutely broken!"

Your eyes landed on Felix, across the room, staring down at the table emotionlessly, his sandwich untouched. You felt a pang of sadness for him.

"He's just sad he got caught," Zion dismissed. "Tomorrow I say he sleeps outside the gates with those zombies. They'll be happy to see him."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Harry whispered, but Zion just waved him off.

Laura balled her fists, cheeks growing hotter.

"I disagree," she hissed. "I hope your friend is the one getting sent out to those zombies. I know he was the one who framed Felix."

Jay looked surprised by her bold words, but she wasn't done. She crossed her arms, shaking her head in pity.

"You think he was the one who killed the girl too? What was her name again? Janice?" Laura went on.

Something in her tone rubbed you the wrong way, and you had to grip your chair to keep yourself from jumping to your feet.

"Her name is Judy," you said, choking down your annoyance. "And we don't know who attacked her yet."

"It's painfully obvious," Laura said. "I'm trying to save you the trauma of finding out later that she was murdered by someone you trusted."

You were starting to feel something you hadn't felt in a long time. The way she talking to you, sounding so smug, standing there with her arms crossed, reminded you of your school days, of the stuck up kids who thought they were better than everyone else.

"If you're so sure of yourself, then tell me how he did it," you demanded, standing. She was taller than you, but you weren't scared. "Where is she? And what about the pen? Can you explain that?"

Laura took a step back, and people started to notice the two of you arguing.

"What's your problem?" she asked. "I've been trying to find out this whole time who did it, and now that we have solid evidence, you're in denial?"

"My problem? My problem?" you repeated in disbelief. "You're my problem! You accusing my friend of being a murderer is my problem! You disrespecting Judy is my problem!"

By now, everyone in the dining room was looking.

"She's pissed," Zion said, and Jay whooped. Harry got up to grab your arm, but you pulled it away.

"Enough, you two. Settle down," Sue ordered, her voice calming but stern.

"She started it," Laura said angrily, pushing you and making you stumble backwards. "Just wait, someone else will go missing and she'll still be defending that murderer she calls a friend!"

That was the final straw. Without even thinking first, you let your anger and frustration take over, the old you gaining control, the old, short-tempered you in high school. You reached towards your table, picking up your uneaten sandwich, and Laura's eyes widened as she realized what you were about to do. You drew your arm back before throwing the peanut butter and jelly sandwich right in her face.

And you probably would've done more if Ethan hadn't rushed over to hold you back, grabbing both your arms.

The bread slowly slopped down off of her face and onto the ground, leaving only strawberry jelly and peanut butter there. She was fuming, furiously trying to wipe it off with her hands and only spreading it more.

Sue sighed, looking between you and Laura.

"I think this is enough for tonight," she announced. "Everyone should head to bed. Laura, we'll stay and get you cleaned up."

You were more than happy to leave. You broke away from Ethan, quickly turning over to the double doors and heading out into the lobby.

"Holy shit," Zion panted, and you realized he was out of breath from laughing. "I haven't seen anything like that in a long time."

"I know," Jay agreed, wiping tears out of his eyes. "I can't say I've ever seen a girl take a peanut putter jelly sandwich in the face."

Your anger had washed away and now you were left feeling nothing but guilt. You didn't want to lash out in anger like that, but you were just so stressed out. You boarded the elevator, facing the wall so no one could see your expression.

"I r-really can't believe you d-did that," Hailey said, and you were surprised to hear awe in her voice. "I wish I could be that brave..."

"Guys, leave her alone," Harry said. "Can't any of you tell that she's upset?"

Harry wrapped an arm around you, and as always, you were grateful for him.

"I regret doing that," you told him, looking down at the ground in shame as the elevator started to rise. "But she made me so mad."

"It's okay, (Y/n)," he assured you, and you almost didn't hear him over Zion and Jay talking loudly. "Everyone's on edge right now. Heck, I'm on edge."

He combed his fingers back through his hair, and you could tell he was tired. Not just physically, but mentally. And despite that, he still had a smile for you.

"It wasn't right for her to say those things," he said. "I don't blame you for what you did."

He laughed a little bit, squeezing you. "And if I still had my camera, I definitely would've taken a picture," he joked, and you couldn't help but giggle.

When the doors of the elevator finally slid open, you were feeling much better. The emotions of the day still weighed you down, but at least now you might be able to sleep.

"Have a nice rest, okay?" Harry said, patting your back. "And if you need anything, anything at all, just knock on my door."

"Or mine. It'll be unlocked," Zion joked darkly, but you could hear some sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you guys," you said gratefully, going over to your door. The tiredness and the hunger hit you at the same time when you went in your room and closed the door behind you.

There was nothing to eat, so you just collapsed into bed, pulling the covers over you. It didn't take you long at all to start drifting off to sleep, the long day's events playing over in your head.

And the perfect end to a stressful day was a strange, confusing dream.

Fragile Hearts [DANGEROUS FELLOWS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang