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"I met her at the hospital," he exhaled. "She's a sickler"

Ohh. So Mariam has the sickle cell disease.

"Oh" Temi said.

"That's why she's so skinny. Any little thing could make her faint," Jamal said. "She's in the university but she looks like she's in SS2" Jamal said and chuckled.

Temi also chuckled.

"I was at the hospital one day,and she was admitted in the same ward with me. She looked very sick and things were connected to her body.
And suddenly,she woke up from her deep slumber and we started talking. I thought she was probably my age mate until she told me she wasn't. Mariam is very vibrant"

"Yeah,she is" Temi added

"We would hang out,but I just couldn't cope. Man, she was too energetic for me. She was also like a friend,but I felt like she didn't understand me. We were opposites. Mariam liked yelling and hugging everyone,but I didn't like that. Sooo,we didn't talk like before because her mom opened this shop and it was consuming Mariam's time alongside school,so let's just say we became distant"

"But you seem very close to her"

"I am, it's just not like before," he chuckled and looked at Temi.  "It's like I haven't met a friend who understands me wholly. But now,I think I have"

Temi grinned and Jamal just shook his head with a smile.

"Who's the person?" Temi asked.

"It's you,silly. You get me" Jamal said.

"I know I do" Temi replied as the drive came to a stop

Oh great *note the sarcasm*😒

They were at her house.

"So,thank you for the lovely evening. I totally enjoyed it" Temi said as she came down.

"Thank you for spending time with me" Jamal said and smiled.

He hugged her.

"Are you busy tomorrow?" She asked him

"I have things to do,but I'll be done by 2pm"

"Alright then. Do you mind coming over so we could do some studying?" She asked.

"That sounds dope" he smiled.

"Alright then. See you tomorrow," she waved. "Bye"

When she got in her room,she took a very long shower before playing some music on her phone.

She played 'Closer' by the Chainsmokers and she began to hum the song.

Favour blew up Temi's phone with numerous texts about how her date went with David.

Faves!!! What did I do to you??? 45 texts in ten minutes?

Sorry for spamming,but I was just so excited.

Where's David?

He should be home. He dropped me off


Favour was typing,but Temi just ignored it and started clearing her work desk

Suddenly,her phone beeped again.


She picked up her phone to see that it wasn't Favour this time.

They were messages from Instagram.

_theNevillë started following you.

_theNevillë liked your previous post.

_theNevillë liked your video.

Oh no.

This was bad.

Neville couldn't be following her.

He was everything she avoided.


!!!!! •••• !!!!! ••••


"No" Temi replied taking a spoon of her now favourite ice cream that Jamal bought her.

"Then what do you wanna study?" Jamal asked

"Data Processing" Temi grinned.

"Alright," Jamal said and brought out a textbook from his bag. "Let's do that"

They began studying.

You know when two great minds ramble about what they love?

That's what's happening!

They both loved technology,computers, anything digital. Bring it on!

"Yo, that's definitely not the job of a database administrator" Temi argued.

"I know," Jamal said. "This textbook has it wrong. That's the job of a system analyst"

Temi nodded in agreement and Jamal fist bumped her.

They continued to study as Temi took her fourth and last bowl of ice cream that Jamal bought for her.

"It's six Temi,I gotta head home"

Temi pouted and Jamal chuckled.

"Thanks for studying with me," Temi smiled as they got up. "It was fun"

Jamal smiled and grabbed his bag.

Temi walked with him outside and watched him as he got into his car.

He waved with a wink before his driver zoomed off.

Temi smiled to herself before walking back into the house.

She was growing fond of Jamal.

He was becoming a very vital part of her day,and life too..

But just as a friend. Jamal was one of the best people to talk to if you had a problem.

If you were at fault, he'd tell you right to your face

Temi's dad cleared his throat and that pulled Temi out of her thoughts.

"I see your guest has gone" he said and sat down.

"Yes sir"

"That's Jamal Matthews right?"

"Yes sir"

"His dad is also a friend of mine"


Her dad nodded and turned on the TV.

"How is your mom?," Her dad sighed. "She hasn't come home in weeks"

"She hasn't come home because you'll obviously give her a hard time"

"I think I miss her"

"Fola's mom isn't home," Temi muttered. "Of course, you miss my mom"

Her dad didn't seem to hear

"When next are you going to her house? Or shop?" Her dad asked

Temi was surprised he was even talking to her.

"Maybe tomorrow, sir" she said.

"Tell her to come home for a few days," he said. "I need to discuss something with her"

"I should do that for free?" Temi asked

Her dad glared at her,and she whimpered slightly.

"I'll-I'll tell her that tomorrow,sir" she said and turned to walk upstairs.

"Send your account number" her dad sighed.

Temi smiled to herself before turning to her dad.

"Right away,sir" Temi smiled again before walking to her room.

Thank you for reading


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