Theodore Nott - I'm sorry

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Word count: 657

"I'm..." he trailed off

Tears prickled in your eyes threatening to fall

"Why can't you say it!" You shouted

"You put me through hell Theo!" You shouted again

"Y/n" he said calmly

You looked away from him, the tears in your eyes were now flowing down your red puffy cheeks

"Get out" you whisper and stormed off to the bathroom


Theos POV

I sighed and shut the door behind me. Why was it so hard to say sorry. I walked off into the common room where everyone was. The whispers started as I walked past them.

"Another argument, how long do you think this will last?" Pansy whispered

"Why don't they break up already, this is the 2nd fight they've had this week" someone else whispered

I shook my head and walk out to the courtyard to clear my head.

"I'm sorry" I whisper looking out to the lake
Why can't I say in front of her...

I close my eyes, the light breeze hit my skin leaving goosebumps along my arms.

I heard light footsteps approach me. I swiftly turn around and see y/n. Her face was calm and her eyes... her e/c bore into my dark ones

After everything we've been through, after every fight she always found me first. But why? I never really asked her.

"Theo.." she whispered my name gently

"What is it y/n?" I say looking down to her my voice was little shaky as I thought this would be the last time I would speak to her. After how I treated her today I thought this fight would be our last.

"I don't know why I always come back to you" she looked down

"It's rather foolish" she laughed a little then looked up to me

Before she could say anything else I spit out "I'm sorry"

She looked at me shocked "I'm sorry too" she said

She took my hand in hers I could tell she wanted to say something but it never came out "I know somewhere that will make up for my mistakes" I say

She looked at me puzzled "where?" I held her hand tight and I ran with her all the way out 'spot'

"We haven't been here since 3rd year" she spoke taking in the leaves hanging from the tree, they swayed in the wind making the white blossoms flow over y/n face.
Her smile escaped from looking at the blossoms surrounding her

I smiled at her admiring her

"I've missed this" she placed her hand on the trunk
And she traced the heart outline we carved

I knew this spot would spark something in us, it always did. This spot holds many memories like the first time I said "I love you" to her, my first broken arm and her falling into the small creek near it and us laughing for hour about it.

I reached out and held her hand "you are so forgiving of my actions, why?"

She looked up at me

"Oh there is so much to love about you Theodore Nott, I'm so easily forgiving of you because of how much I love you and how scared I am to lose you" she said

"You truly do deserve better like Cedric or Harry" she stopped me by putting her finger to my mouth

"I only have love for you and I do not wish any better than the love I have right now with you" I smiled at her words and placed a soft kiss on her lips

"I've never heard you talk like this before"

"Probably because you don't pay attention to half the things I say" she laughed

"I do pay attention" I mumbled and she pinched me

"Hey!" She kept laughing and soon I was laughing with her

"I love you y/n"

"And I love you theo" she smiled sweetly then leaned in giving me another kiss

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