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The grey clouds surround your peaceful one bedroom apartment. You loved when it rained even though Tom hated it.

He hated when you'd come in drenched. He hated when mud was all over the hardwood floors. He hated how happy it made you. How something that is perceived as longing and sadness could bring you so much comfort. How it could make you so happy.

What he didn't know is that all the things he hated about the rain he actually loved. But he'd never admit it. honestly he never realized it until today.

You beamed as you looked out the window. Rain drops started to appear on the window and the sky became more darker.

He looked up from his book to look at your smiling face. He softly smiled as you stepped back from the widow hearing the pouring rain outside.

"I'll be back" you walked to the door and grabbed your rain coat and rain boots

"Where are you going" he knew exactly where you going

"Just to the store" you smiled and walked over to him kissing his cheek

"I'll be back in 30 minutes or so" he grabbed your hand stopping you from leaving.

"I'm coming with you" he said

You looked at him confused when he got up and grabbed a rain coat off the rack and some rain boots he walked to you taking your umbrella.

He opened the door and you followed behind him still confused.

"I thought you hated the rain"

"I've grown to tolerate it" he smiled back at you

"Now catch up to me or I'm going to leave you here"
You ran up to him taking his hand in yours

As you two walked outside on the sidewalk he opened the umbrella rain fell around you two. Heavy rain which you liked the most.

You smiled as you looked around. The store was just up ahead. It was a 4 minute walk from your apartment which was convenient.

He opened the door and you walked in wiping your boots on the rug and treading into the store Tom following behind you as you looked through the shelves.

You picked out a few items and fell onto the frozen isle. Tom already knew what you were looking for.

"Ice cream" you opened the fridge door and got your favorite kind.

"Now our rainy day is complete" you smiled up at him and in return he gave you one of his signature smiles. Your favorite of his. The soft one, the adoring one.

He paid for everything and you two walked back out into the rain. He opened the umbrella again and walked with you down the sidewalk back to your apartment.

Once you stepped foot into your apartment mud covered the floors from yours and toms boots. Even though you wiped them plenty of times on the rug. You took yours off and put them next to the door.

Your turned towards the kitchen walking to it to put the groceries away but leaving out the ice cream.

Tom managed to walk to the couch and turn the tv on the show you guys recently been watching. You walked over to him snuggling into his side with the ice cream. He pulled a blanket over you and him and put his arm around you.

He looked down to you content. He kissed the top of your head and rubbed your side as you stuck the spoon in the ice cream and raised it up towards him.

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