Chapter 26: Let's Make A Bet

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Let's Make A Bet

"Potter had to know he would get caught," Ginny scoffed, tossing her red hair over her shoulder. She should trim it up soon, she thought absently. It helped, she discovered during the few months of her dip into espionage, to mentally take a step back from her words when she had to play this part.

"Do you really think he did it though? Killed all those muggles?" the Fourth Year Hufflepuff whispered in horrified awe. Dark hair pulled into tight braids making her face look open and innocent. "He always seemed nice, a bit of a loner, though."

"It's the loners you have to watch out for. My older sister told me," the Third Year Ravenclaw said with full authority. Her curly red hair looked ready to burst from the two pigtails it had been stuffed into.

Ginny tugged a little harder on her hair to keep her tongue. "Guess we'll find out. Heard he's holding a press conference tonight. It'll be on the Wizard Wireless."

"How'd you hear that?" The Ravenclaw asked, eyeing Ginny with suspicion. Admittedly, Ginny would be suspicious too. It was just after lunch and rumors had been running rampant.

"My brother," Ginny shrugged. Her adopted brother who had a quickly scribbled note delivered to Luna just after breakfast, but her brother nonetheless. It seemed to satisfy the Ravenclaw though. It helped to have so many brothers, Ginny thought absently.

The Hufflepuff pouted, "I don't have a Wireless."

Rolling her eyes in an over-exaggerated manner, Ginny said, "I'm sure someone in your House has a Wireless. Just get them to play it in the Common Room to share it. Aren't you Puffs all about sharing?"

"Yeah, yeah," the girl said eagerly, excitement building in her eyes. "I'll go ask Pepper. She was bragging about getting one for her birthday last month. What time is the conference?"

"Seven sharp."

"Why should we listen to it?" The Ravenclaw asked, hair more frizz than curls now that Ginny looked again. It reminded Ginny of Hermione's hair before Ginny forced the witch to start using basic hair maintenance charms in the morning. It had taken multiple years of arguing but this year Hermione had finally conceded to spending an additional ten minutes every morning to tackle her hair. Admittedly, Hermione still didn't always do it but it was progress.

"Don't you want to know what he has to say? How he will defend himself," Ginny tutted. "And I thought you Claws were the curious sort." The Ravenclaw scowled but she nodded as she turned away.

Satisfied with her work, Ginny left the little Fourth Year Hufflepuff, now alone in the hall, and turned down the corridor in the opposite direction; almost running into the group also turning the corner. Ginny saved herself by giving an amicable nod at the group of Seventh Year Hufflepuffs, three boys, and a pretty blonde girl that Ginny couldn't remember the name of. For whatever reason, Ginny stopped to listen once she heard one of the Seventh Years call out to the Fourth Year.

"How's it going, Molly?" the girl asked.

"Good," the Fourth Year, Molly, said. Ginny could picture the girl bouncing on her heels. "Ginny Weasley was just telling me and Colleen about how Potter is holding a press conference tonight at seven to answer for the Muggle Hunting. It's going to be on the Wireless too. Think we can listen to it in the Common Room?"

Ginny didn't even try to hide her grin as her plan already started working. Was this how Slytherins always felt after seeing their plans pay off? If so, she could understand the appeal.

"Don't see why we should bother tuning in to listen to his lies," one of the older years said, it was a deep voice so Ginny guessed it was one of the three boys who had passed her.

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