Chapter 28: No One Suspected

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No One Suspected

"Ah, come in, come in, my boy. Yes, wonderful. So glad you were able to pop in for a quick chat. I'll try not to keep you long, I know you're probably eager to visit Hogsmeade." Dumbledore smiled, looking very much like the charming grandfather Neville had always thought he was.

"Of course, Headmaster. Sorry, I haven't been able to visit much," Neville replied, shuffling nervously as he stood in front of the Headmaster's desk. The small flower pin attached to the collar of his jumper was innocuous and hadn't drawn attention any of the other times he had been summoned to the old man's office but Neville couldn't help but feel the flash of worry that maybe this time would be different.

Hermione and Daphne had somehow, through their combined genius and questionable methods, blended about six different charms and runes together to provide him with a Legilimency shield that should also remain undetectable. And just in case that failed, Neville had been practicing Occlumency along with the others loyal to Harry but Neville didn't feel particularly confident in that skill yet.

"You're a busy boy, completely understandable," Dumbledore said, still smiling. "Please sit." He held out an aged and wrinkled hand, gesturing to one of the wooden chairs in front of the desk.

Neville nodded and moved to sit, his nerves causing him to stumble into the chair and almost knock it over. "Sorry! Sorry," he mumbled, face reddening as he quickly sat in the seat. Timidly looking up to not quite meet the Headmasters eyes. Instead, he stared at the edge of the man's glasses. Neville didn't want to take any chances, and while he trusted the shield spells on the flower pin, he didn't want to push the limits.

Neville hated when he had to visit the Headmaster. He didn't understand how Harry had handled it. Though admittedly when Harry had visited he didn't know how manipulative the old coot actually was so the grandfather act was probably more believable. Neville tried to take a deep breath without it being obvious. He had prepared for this.

It seemed he now spent almost every night in the Room of Requirement. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna were always there as well. Some nights they would host a DA meeting for everyone, those nights were longer because immediately after the general meeting they would hold a meeting for those of the DA still loyal to Harry, a group that was steadily growing larger by the week. Other nights Neville and the others met with the Slytherins, making plans or dueling or trying to stay on top of homework. Theo and Draco were coaching Neville and the other Gryffindors in Occlumency. And wasn't that strange? Being on such friendly terms with the Slytherins that used to bully him constantly for five years. But since coming to that truce back in September and working together multiple nights a week...well it changed things. Neville didn't feel he would ever count them as particularly close friends but he knew he could trust them. Or at least, trust them enough to not fear for his life.

Plotting to overthrow the Wizarding World was a remarkable bonding foundation. And loyalty to Harry solidified any cracks.

"How are you doing, my boy?"

"I'm doing well, sir," Neville replied. He didn't have to try too hard to be the same bumbling, nervous boy he had been in other years despite his growing confidence. Despite knowing what a fraud Dumbledore was, the wizard was still powerful and Neville was still nervous in his presence.

"I'm so glad." There was silence as Dumbledore watched him over steepled fingers and Neville tried not to fidget too much. Instead, he looked around the office as if in awe of the grandeur but it felt a bit much in all honesty and there weren't even any plants, not even a cactus or a succulent, just shiny trinkets. "Now, I'm sure you've been keeping abreast of the news lately, reading the papers and listening to that mockery of a press conference."

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