chapter 32

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The chief members of Bonten looked around the flower shop, Mikey had ordered Kokonoi to buy some to give as a gift and the rest just followed and tagged along.

"Do you think she'll like that?" Takeomi asked the silver-haired male.

"Of course, she will" Kokonoi replied proudly. "She'll like whatever I buy for her, I'm her favorite after all"

Kakucho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right"

"Don't be bitter now Kakucho" Kokonoi smirked. "It's not my fault she prefers me more than you"

"Excuse you, we all know she liked me best" Rindou crossed her arms.

"Can we just go already?" Sanzu whined. "I'm tired"

"You haven't even done anything yet" Ran raised his brow. "Anyways, we only need to go to a bakery and then we're done"

"I don't get why we all have to go out" Sanzu played with his own hair, bored. "I mean, I'm sure Kokonoi can do this by himself"

"He's right" Kokonoi answered. "But then again, no one really forced you to come Sanzu"

"Less bickering, more walking" Takeomi scolded the two. "Now, let's go finish this errand so we can visit her"




Meanwhile, Mikey wasn't with them, he went ahead to the cemetery. He sat crossed-legged in front of the Sano family grave.

He lighted some incense and prayed. After that, he just sat in silence and watched the smoke from the incense dance along with the air.

The breeze blew gently, making his hair flow. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before finally deciding to stand up.

"Mochi" He muttered.

"Yes, Mikey" The said male waited for Mikey's reply.

"Are they done?" Mikey asked, still looking at the headstone.

Mochizuki took out his phone to read any texts from Kakucho. "I believe so"

Mikey hummed. "Good, I want to see her. Let's go"




They entered the bakery shop, and a lot of customers were buying and looking around. The store looked new because of the brand new-looking furniture and decorations.

"Is this place new?" Rindou asked as he looked around.

Kakucho hummed. "Seems like it" He then started to get the pastry he needed and paid for it.

"Huh... it's quite popular despite being new" Sanzu crossed his arms to prevent accidentally touching others' hands.

They proceeded to look around and enjoyed the delicious smell of the shop.

"There's only one person working..." Takeomi pointed out as he watched a woman by the counter wrapping the other customers' purchases.

"Alright, we're done. Let's go" Kakucho came back.

The store's bell rang as the door opened. "I'm here! I'm sorry I'm la- Ouf-!" A girl bumped into Ran. The girl immediately looked at the tall male. "Ah-! I'm so sorry!"

"Y/n?" Ran muttered as he took a good look at the girl. The others looked as well when they heard her name.

"...Yes?" The girl answered confusedly.

"Oh my! Y/n be careful next time" The lady on the counter approached them. "My deepest apologies, dear customers... Y/n, apologize"

Y/n bowed low. "Please forgive me! I didn't mean to bump into you"

"Ah, no... it's alright.." Ran was processing what was going on.

"Come now, help me by the counter" The woman ushered the girl to the counter. The girl called Y/n sheepishly smiled as he waved goodbye at the males.

They watched as the girl tied her hair up and wear an apron. "Apologies for the delay~!, I'll help you with that" The girl smiled as she assisted the other customers.

She has her smile and has the same shine in her eyes.

She looked exactly like her and even has her name.

But it wasn't the Y/n they knew. That girl isn't Y/n.

After all, their Y/n is already gone.




The sky was clear and the weather was perfect. The newly placed flowers sparkled under the bright rays of the sun.

"I hope you're doing okay..." He paused as the tree leaves rustled in the breeze. "At least now you don't have worry to please anyone, right? You can rest easy now..." A gentle smile graced his lips as he paused once again.

He let out a shaky breath.

"I miss you..."

The distant voices of a certain gang can be heard in the quiet place, with one last glance to where she rested, they entered their vehicle and drove off.




L/n Y/n

1993 - 2019

'Be it by Coincidence or by Fate,  May we meet again'

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