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"C'mon Max we have to leave!" I heard my brother yell from downstairs. I was just finishing my makeup which I knew wouldn't stay on and I'd have to refresh it but that's fine. I was seeing my boyfriend today, Ben Hope.

I walked down the stairs in my black doc martins, school skirt, blouse, red tie, black hoodie and had my blazer over the top of that.
"Your not gonna be allowed to wear that Maxine, you know the school rules," My mother told me when she saw my outfit. I couldn't tell if she was talking about my eyeliner or hoodie but I wasn't worried.
"Well she can change after! We need to leave!" Nick said impatiently.

We got in the car and my mum drove us to school.
"Have a good day," she said dropping us off where she normally parked.

I walked over with Nick near the school gates and where our friends hung out.
"Hey," I said as I walked over.
"Hello gorgeous," Ben said as I walked over. I gave him a small smile and then walked over to him. We we're pulled closer together and our lips met. They only separate when Ben moved away.

"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Urr...I forgot about something, don't worry Max it'll be fine but we'd better get into school before we're late," Ben told me.

I looked at my watch and then realised he was right, we we're gonna be late for school.

I walked into school and went to form. My form was called Juliet. I sat down in my usual seat and grabbed my notebook. I also grabbed a piece of bubblegum out of my bag and started to chew it.

I was listening for my name on the register. I noticed a girl in my form which was unusual for me because I never look up from my notebook. However this girl caught my eye.

Elle Argent, the new girl who had just transferred from Truman (the boys school) to here (Higgs). She was sat on her own and looked very quiet and uncomfortable. I felt bad but I ignored her. It must be hard in her position but I didn't want to intrude in her life.

You way be wondering how I am with one of the popular 'rugby lads' Ben Hope when I seem like such a lame loser. Well...I am. The only reason I was with him was because of my twin brother Nick.

Me and my brother were like polar opposites. He likes sports, formula one, and he is popular. Whereas I am the opposite. I am quiet and I like to stick to myself. However there is one thing we both bond on...the marvel universe. It is so amazing and the only thing we both actually really like.

At lunch, I grabbed a slice of pizza from the canteen and went to sit down on the only empty table I could see.
"Hey, can I sit here?" Someone asked. I looked up and noticed it was Elle Argent.
"Yeah, sure why not," I said.
"Thanks," she said with a small smile and sat down.

"How are you adjusting to Higgs?" I asked her.
"It's a lot less bulling than Truman," she told me.
"Well that's good," I said with a small smile.

After school, I went back to the place to wait for Nick.
"Hey, Max over here!" I heard Ben yell and I turned my head.
"Heyyy darlinggg." I said.
"Oh my god! Ben shut up!" I said giggling and they he grabbed my face lightly and we kissed.

When we got home, I ran upstairs and started my homework. I got bored easily so instead I decided to grab my saxophone and I started to play it. I was practicing because we had a concert with the school orchestra.

I went down for dinner after. Nick and mum were already sat at the dining room table.
"Hey, how was school?" My mum asked.
"Good, guess what! We got a new player for the rugby team!" Nick said excitedly.
"Who?" My mum asked intrigued.
"Oh, Charlie Spring," Nick said.
"Tori's brother?" I asked. I knew Tori, she was in my year at school.
"Yeah," Nick said.
"Oh, well that's nice Nicky," mum said.
"Wait, isn't Charlie Spring the gay boy who got bullied last year?" I asked him now thinking about it more.
"Well...yeah, and that's why I was surprised he wanted to join, but he's really fast at running so I thought he would be good," Nick told me.


It was after school on Tuesday, I left to go wait for Nick. I knew he had rugby training so I grabbed my book out and sat on the benches and began to draw. I did this every day he had rugby training which felt like all the time on times.

I had my earbuds in and then I noticed Ben sneak into the school. I decided to bother him. He'd probably just forgotten something.

I was drawing and then I noticed Charlie walking into the school. I guessed practice was over. I decided to follow him inside, it was cold and I wondered if Nick would be there so we could finally go home.

I crept through the halls and heard a familliar voice. It was Ben.

I saw a gap in the wall and I peeked through it. Charlie was there as well.

"Don't touch me!"
"Answer my fucking texts then!" I heard Ben yell.
"Max...what are you doing here?" I heard Nick ask me behind me.
"Shut up and listen!" I whispered.

"I already said I don't want to meet up with you anymore," the unfamiliar voice of Charlie said.

Meet up? Wait...we're they together? Did Ben cheat on me??

"And that's it then? No explanation?" Ben asked.
"Well yeah, I guess so..." Charlie said nervously.

Just then I heard a hit against the wall and through the gaps in the wall I noticed Ben's face covering Charlie. He was kissing him.
"That's not good enough!" Ben yelled.
"Gettt offff," Charlie tried to shout.

I'd had enough.
"Max!" I heard Nick whisper but I ignored him.

Nick ran in-front of me and grabbed the collar of Ben's blazer and chucked him on the floor.

He went over to Charlie while I dragged Ben out of the room and into the corridor.
"How. Fucking. Dare. You!" I yelled and chucked him on the floor.

He scrambled to his feet and then slowly backed away and left the building. I turned around and looked at Charlie and Nick.
"Are you ok?" I asked Charlie.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," he said. "How much of that did you guys hear?" Charlie asked.
"Oh, most of it...I'm sorry he hurt you," I said.
"But...he kissed you, your his girlfriend why do you care?" Charlie asked me defensively.
"Oh, I didn't know he was dating you...I'm so sorry Charlie..." I said awkwardly.
"It's alright," Charlie told me and I nodded.

I walked up to him and hugged him.
"Sorry...about all that" Charlie said.
"It's fine," Nick said.
"I'm still sorry," he said.
"Don't keep saying sorry," Nick told him.
"I'm-," Charlie started.
"Don't say it!" Nick warned him.
"I kinda want to though..." Charlie said.
"Don't! Now c'mon before they lock the school," Nick said and we all walked away and out of the door.

We all walked out of the school. Charlie and Nick were in front of me.

I can't believe that Ben cheated on me. I had really loved him and I hated myself for that.

"Oh, uhm I'm going this way," Charlie said.
"And we're going that way," Nick told him.
"Bye..."Charlie said and he started to walk away.

I followed Nick to mum's car. There were small tears starting to fill in my eyes and I tried to wipe them away as I got in the car.
"Max, what's wrong?" Mum asked as she saw me wiping my eyes.
"It's nothing...don't worry," I told her.
"Max....," My mum said in disbelief.
"I'm fine...I just wish I hadn't been so oblivious to something...that's all," I said with a small smile. I didn't want to worry her.
"Ok then, as long as your ok" she said and I nodded before she started the car and drove home.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now