16. museum

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The next day, I woke up and I was lying more on Imogen's side. Everyone else was still asleep so I got up slowly and made my way to the bathroom.

I had a shower (which I was worried would wake people up but it didn't) and then I got dressed. I felt a lot better. Today I was wearing a black hoodie with a pair of denim shorts. I also had my sunglasses. These ones were red love heart ones though.

I sat in the corner on my phone and then I noticed Imogen stir. She went back to sleep and I went back to my phone.

It was a bit later and everyone was now awake, they were getting ready by doing multiple things. I just sat there out of the way.

It was just after lunch and we we're going to 'montmarte' which was french for museum. We we're in groups and had to be back at 5pm.
"Do you wanna be in our group Imogen?" Tara asked.
"Sure I haven't got any other friends on this trip," she said.

Tara and Darcy winked at me and I shot them both a dirty look.
"I'm not really into museums," Darcy said.
"We could just wander around?" Tara suggested.

I had zoned out while the group made a decision. I honestly couldn't care less. I ended up going with Imogen to the museum with Elle and Tao. I knew that Nick, Charlie, Tara and Darcy had tried to set this up as a double date sort of thing but I didn't care. Imogen was straight and our relationship was platonic with a capital P.

We walked around the museum and started to get a bit hungry.
"What do you wanna eat?" Imogen asked.
"I don't mind," I told her.
"What about ice-cream?" Elle suggested.
"Yes!" Tao said and I laughed he was excited.
"Yeah sure," I nodded.

We walked over to an ice cream parlour. They we're all speaking French.
"Hey, I don't know any french," Imogen said.
"Allow me," I told her and walked up to the counter.
"Salut, puis-je avoir quatre glaces, deux au chocolat, une fraise et une puce au chocolat à la menthe?" I asked.
"cinq euros cinquante," the man said and I paid.
"Merci," I said as I grabbed two ice creams, Imogen got the other two.

When we got out of the shop Imogen stared at me.
"Since when could you speak French?" She asked.
"Oh, well my dad's french so, I guess I kinda learnt it off him," I told her.
"Ahhh," she said.

As we sat on a bench outside, I had my pinky stuck out. I then felt something touching it. I looked down. It was Imogen's pinky.

Oh my gosh!!! Imogen's and my pinky's entwined!!! I'm probably going insane but omggggg. No Max, your overthinking it. She probably didn't mean it. It was definitely an accident. But was it? Yes, she's straight. She had a crush on your brother, not you!!

I shut down that conversation in my brain and ate my ice-cream in peace. I didn't want to make it awkward but I think I'd already managed that.

We met back up with Nick and the others before going to dinner. It was in the hotel and it was a buffet type thing like the night before.

I ate a bit of food and I was staring into space ignoring everyone. I focused back into reality when I realised I had been staring at Imogen.

Shit! I quickly picked up a chip off my plate and started to chew it. Aaaaah I've just embarrassed myself in front of my crush!! I'm gonna cry.

I went back up to get some food. This gave me time to discretely wipe my eyes and then think of something else. It worked as I got a few chicken nuggets but soon I felt the overwhelming edge to burst into tears.

I put my plate back on the table we were sat by and ran away from the table. I didn't know if they had noticed but I ignored them if they had.

I ran into the girls bathroom and locked myself in one of the cubicles. I sat next to the toilet and cried. I hate myself. I knew I was overreacting but I was so embarrassed and to upset to give a shit.

It was silent in there until I heard someone open the door.

"Max? Are you in here?"

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now