20. heat

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The next day we we're eating breakfast. I noticed Charlie wasn't eating much so I nudged Nick.
"What?" He asked and I pointed to Charlie.

It took him a second to understand but when he did, Nick gave me two thumbs up to show he understood. I just rolled my eyes.

"Hey Max, do you know where we're going today?" Imogen asked me.
"Urrr no," I told her.
"Oh ok, I guess it will be a surprise," she said and I nodded.

We we're going to Louvre. It was a very hot triangle building. It was like a Arts museum. There were a lot of paintings everywhere and even the Mona Lisa.

"Is that the Mona Lisa? its not very good is it," Darcy said.
"Darcy!" Tara said.
"Oh hush Jonesey," Darcy said and then they walked away.

"Its so hot in here," I complained.
"Do you want to go outside?" Imogen asked and I nodded.

We walked outside and I sat on the bench. I felt kinda ill.
"Do we have any water?" I asked Imogen.
"I think theres some in my bag," she said.

I felt something rise in my throat rise. I turned away from the table and started to walk over to the bin.
"Max, Max are you ok," Imogen asked but it was too late. I threw up in the bin.

I felt my hair being pulled back out of my face. When I had finished, I collapsed on the floor and I felt Imogen wrap her arms around me.
"Are you ok?" She asked.
"mmmm...I guess," I said and then went to get up. I coughed and the remainder of the sick went in the bin.

"Do you think your ok now?" Imogen asked as she gave me her bobble.
"yeah..." I said unconvinced. Then I felt her body lean in and I put my hand in front of my mouth. Imogen gave me a confused look.
"I just threw up," i explained. She nodded and then understood.
"Yeah, true," She said. She hugged me instead.
"Do you want some gum?"
"Yeah please, it may get rid of the taste," i told her.

She unzipped the front pocket of her bag and gave me a piece.
"We should probably find a teacher," Imogen said.
"Yeah, probably,"

We walked back into the hot building. I didn't like it. We found Mr Ajayi and Imogen explained.

He took us to a room to sit down as it was cooler. Nick and Charlie were also there. Charlie was eating a croissant.
"Sorry if we're intruding," I muttered.
"Its ok, what happened to you two?" Nick asked.
"I threw up," I explained simply.
"Oh," he said quietly.

"So this is a french sick bay huh?" I asked sitting on one of the plastic chairs.
Nobody responded. I looked down and then felt Imogen squeeze my hand.

We had some quiet chatter in that room. I led on Imogen's shoulder and she had her arm around my back.

I felt someone move me and I jolted awake.
"Cmon you," Imogen said.
"Can you carry me?" I asked. Even though I guessed that i'd fallen asleep, I was still exhausted.
"No, c'mon," She said and I groaned.

We we're walking and I had an idea.
"Hey, ill be back," I said quickly. "Actually you can come if you want," i said and she nodded and I walked up to Nick.
"Since you have such great big rugby muscles, could you carry me?" I asked.

He just stared at me. Imogen was laughing and Charlie had a smirk on his face.
"Go on Nelson," Darcy said walking over and nudging him in the arm.
"I hate all of you," he said but then reluctantly turned around. I jumped on his back.
"For the record, your lighter than I thought," Nick said.
"I can't tell if thats a compliment or not," I said. He just laughed.

When we got back to the hotel, Nick dropped be to the ground.
"Go have a rest Max," he suggested. All I did was nod and then collapse onto the bed.

"Max, wake up Max," I heard someone say and I grumbled. Then I felt something rise in my throat and I ran to the toilet.

I collapsed onto the floor, the cold wall was nice on my back.
"Hmm," Imogen said as she felt my head.
"What?" I asked.
"I think you've got a fever," She said.
"Oh great," I said.
"Its ok, I have paracetamol," She said.

I was still sat on the bathroom floor when Mr Ajayi and Mr Falkour walked in. Tara and Darcy stood behind him, I'd guessed they'd went to get him.
"How do you feel?" They asked.
"Boiling and fragile," I explained.
"Have you drank enough?" Mr Ajayi asked.
"I don't know," I said.
"Well, take some paracetamol and have a lot of water and rest," The teachers suggested and I nodded.

They left a bit after that. Imogen picked me up and put me on the bed.
"Are you ok darling?" She asked.
"Mmhmm," i mumbled.

I had the paracetamol and then we both sat on the bed. The only time Imogen left my side was to go get food but otherwise she was always there.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now