8. talk

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The car ride home the next day was silent. I'm guessing that Nick had told her.

I went upstairs and sat in my room. I put my stuff away and then I heard a soft knock at the door. I opened it. It was Nick.
"What the hell were you thinking?" He said.
"I don't know, and I'm sorry," I said quickly.
"Are you though. I bet you enjoyed it, we're you ever planning on telling us?" Nick asked. His voice was slowly getting louder and I could hear his anger.
"No, I didn't! I felt terrible the whole time and I used it as a coping mechanism," I told him.
"I just didn't think you'd be the one to do it, it's so irresponsible," He told me.
"Stop it!" I said.
"No! Your irresponsible," he told me.
"Stop it!" I screamed.
"No! You listen to me. You could've been hospitalised or have problems for the rest of you life if B*n hadn't said anything," Nick said.
"Oh so your on his side?" I asked.
"No, I'm just worried about all the harm you have done to yourself." He said.
"Well it was better harm than what I was actually doing," I mumbled under my breath.

Nick froze
"What?" He asked. There were now tears slowly forming in my eyes.
"I didn't want you or mum to find out. That's why I asked for the vapes. I was really low at the time and B*n would get them for me. It...it was better that c-cutting m-mys-s-self," I told him.
Nick embraced me and I hugged back.
"Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked.
"I was scared of how you would react," I told him. "I haven't vaped for a few weeks now, so I think I'm ok. Having friends and people to support me helped." I told him.

We stayed in bed and watched movies.
"Hey what did you do with Imogen in the end?" I asked him.
"Oh before you came home, I met her. We decided to just be friends," he said.
"Wow, she agreed to that? Imogen really had a crush on you," I told him.
"She seemed to understand," he told me.
"Why did you agree to go out with her anyway? I thought you didn't like her," I asked.
"Urrr her dog died," he said awkwardly.
"What?" I asked trying to contain a fit of giggles.
"Shut up!" He said hugging me in the face with a pillow.
"I can't believe you on times. At least now know to not get dating advice from you," I said.

I grabbed my phone and opened Instagram.
"Whatcha doing?" Nick asked me.
"I'm checking if Imogen is ok, you did break up with her after all," I told him.


Hey I heard my brother dumped
you. Are you okay??

Yeah, it's all good. Don't worry about
~ Imogen

I put my phone back on the table and relaxed. Me and Nick stayed in my room until we were called down for dinner.

"Are you both alright? There was a lot of shouting earlier?" Mum asked.
"Yeah, we're fine now," Nick said and I smiled.
"Mamma Mia?" Mum asked.
"We've watched that 4 times already this year," I complained.
"Oh you think of something, while I dish up the pizzas," Mum said.
"What are you searching up?" I asked Nick. He turned off his phone and put it into his chest.
"Okay god, I get it you don't wanna show me jeez," I said.
"I've got it. Pirates of the Caribbean. It's a classic. What do you think?" Mum asked waking back into the room.
"Yeah," i said.
"Yeah, that sounds good," Nick agreed and we put it on.

As we were watching, I noticed Nick getting uncomfortable.
"Starstuck Nicholas?" I asked.
"Well I remember when we watched this every evening one summer," Mum said.
"Oh yeah, it was because Nick liked Keira Knightly," I said.
"Shut up!" Nick said.
"What? She's a very pretty girl," Mum said.
"Please stop talking," Nick said.

I heard something going on in Nicks room as I headed downstairs to get a drink and I had my head against the door.

And that's when I realised...I'm bisexual.

I opened the door and Nick shut the laptop and stared at me with an awkward expression.
"Are you alright?" I asked confused.
"Yeah, I'm fine...you didn't hear any of that did you?" He asked.
"Didn't hear any of 'and that's when I realised...I'm bisexual'," I quoted.
"So...you did," he said awkwardly.
"Yeahhh, do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.
"Fine...but you can't tell anyone," he told me.
"My lips are sealed," I said while doing the action around my lips.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now