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I was lying on my bed and had finally stopped holding my tears in. I was so upset. I had loved Ben and I'd thought that he loved me...but I kept thinking about how it had affected Charlie.

It was my fault. If I hadn't had kissed Ben...it would've been fine. Also I should've been smart enough to read the signs that he was dating someone else.

I heard a knock at my door and sat up on my bed. I wiped my eyes and then said "come in"

Nick opened the door. He had a bowl in his hands. He came down and sat on my bed and hugged me into his side. Tears fell down my face and onto his shoulder.
"Hey, it's alright...Ben is such a jerk," Nick said.
"I know...I just wish I'd realised sooner," I cried.
"Max, listen to me...it's not your fault. It's Ben's fault. You did nothing to deserve this and as your older brother I'm here for you," he said.
"Older by 10 minutes," I added.
"Still older," Nick said ruffling my wavy hair.
"What about Charlie?" I asked him.
"We've been texting...I think he'll be ok," Nick told me and I nodded.

He picked the bowl up that he had left on my bedside table and gave it to me.
"Here, I know they're your favourites," he said.

I slowly peeled my face off Nick's shoulder and looked into the bowl. There were chocolate covered pretzels.
"Thanks," I said happily.
"No problem, now if you need anything, let me know...I can kick his ass if you want me to however I think you we're already doing a pretty good job at it," Nick said and I laughed.

I ate the pretzels and scrolled on Instagram. I saw Ben's story. He had posted about me on his private story. I pressed the screen and another slide came up.

Maxine Nelson. What a bitch. Just because you want to doesn't mean you need to fight me. Your psychotic and if your reading this now...I hope everyone knows how much of a joke you are.

I put my phone down next to me. More tears fell down my face. I slowly put more pretzels in my mouth and stared out of the window. It was getting dark.

I decided to get ready for bed. I had a shower and put my pyjamas on. I slowly crawled into my bed and covered myself in the covers. They we're cold against my arms however it gave me a sense of comfort. I grabbed my pink monkey teddy that I'd had since when I was younger and started to cry into it quietly. I didn't want anyone to know...or worry.

I was slowly drifting off when I noticed something. I saw a line of light leak into my room and I turned around so I faced my door.

I felt Nellie jump on my bed and I stroked her head. Then I looked up and saw my mum. I quickly wiped my eyes and then my mum sat next to me.

"Nick told me what happened," she started.
"I'm fine, don't worry mum," I told her.
"Ok Max, love you, now get some rest you have school tomorrow," my mum said.

Nellie stayed in my room and led on the covers. I lay on my bed and as soon as I hit the pillows, I fell fast asleep.

I woke up and got ready for school. I put my uniform on with my hoodie underneath and then brushed my hair and put it in two plaits.

I grabbed my school bag and slung it over my back before going downstairs.
"Good morning Max," my mum said.
"Hey," I said.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Mum asked.
"No, I'm good," I said.
"Ok," Mum said.
"Hey, I'm gonna go for a walk before school starts," I announced.
"Are you sure?" She asked me.
"Yeah, I need to clear my head," I told her.
"Ok then," she nodded.
"See you after school honey, have a good day," Mum told me as I left through the door.

I walked over to the bench where everyone normally hung out before school. There was a piece of concrete that never fully fitted into the ground. I picked it up and underneath lay my vape.

Maxine Nelson • heartstopper ffWhere stories live. Discover now