Chapter 10

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At last, may 9th, but the events to take place are what scare me. On that day, my school chooses 5 girls with beautiful long manes and shear them of it forever. It was every girls fear, but it scared me the most, I've never had a haircut in my life.

The day of the drawing of the names for the haircuts. I sat with other girls about half of them wore short haircuts from my school in an assembly room. The gym floors were clean but about to be covered in hair. Just then the principal walked up the front to give a speech. "As you all know, it's our annual headshave/haircut ceremony." The speech had the audience shaking in their boots. "I have already removed the names that have already been chosen from previous years." All eyes turned to the girls with boyish haircuts. "I will now start to draw the names."

"Ok up first we have, Mia Mcrea!" I felt sorry for her, she slowly walked up to the front with all eyes on her. Her hair was a light shade of pink and about waist length. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sat down in the barber chair. The girl was tied to the chair by a haircutting cape. Her sobs could be heard by anyone who dared to watch. The vice-principal walked up to Mia, grabbing a pair of scissors and a hairtie. She tied it around her hair in a low ponytail. The vice-principal showed no mercy to mercifully cutting her hair. In fact she laughed at the poor girl, next she grabbed the clippers and shaved from the back of her nape to her crown. She started to blend out the choppy haircut with the clippers. It only ended up making it worse and she had to shaved the whole thing. Mia's puffy face was turning redder and wetter by the minute. Her lap was covered by her pink hair. The vice-principal grabbed a foamy substance and rubbed it on Mia's scalp. I was in the front row so I could read the bottle, it read 'hair growth slow treatment.' The young girl sobbed while she washed it out, she to could read it. She walked back to her seat near the front row all eyes watching her.

"Ok everyone! The next girl up is, Alora Alsco!" The girl with name started to stand up, her eyes wide and flowing with tears. Her hair stopped around her butt, the colour of cyan looked great on her. She sat down in the barber chair waiting to get pinned and sucked into this hair blackhole. The principal this time walked up to her and grabbed the clippers, a hairtie, and scissors. He wrapped the hairtie around her hair, grabbed the scissors and ruthlessly chopped her cyan hair off. The girl only sobbed more as the vibration of the clippers filled the room. Bzzzz the hair fell onto her lap, leaving behind only a small bit of hair. The hair on her head was light, almost like she had nothing left. The girls hair was long gone only patches of stubble left. Shhhk the razor picked up whatever hair was left on her head. The cream rubbed on her head, and slowly washed out. Her light pale skin shined in the light. Slowly, the cape was unclipped from the girl. She stood up shakily and walked back to her seat.

"All righty! Then we have," he dragged out the ve, "Lillie Landheart!" The girl shrieked as she stood up, I would to if I was her, her hair was in a braid and it reached crazy lengths. Her hair was about 25 feet long, her hair was about to be cropped in to a short buzzcut or pixiecut. The girl started walking to the front of the gymnasium. She sat on the velvet chair, waiting for her long locks to be hacked at and then chopped. Her tears flowed as the cape was thrown over her shoulders and clipped behind her neck.

The last three haircuts are done by professionals, so this time they could get the boyish cuts. The stylist started to cut her hair short at her nape. The scissors cut at her hair, only taking about 10 minutes to get fully through the braid. It was removed and put into the pile of hair. The stylist started to form the haircut, she cut the tips and then she was done. The girl stood up with her new fresh cut but she was sobbing. The girl with the longest hair in the school was now the one with one of the shortest.

The principal put his hand into the jar of names again, "Scarlett Jones will be getting the shortest haircut of them all, she will now be a boy and transported to the all boys school!" He said. Scarlett walked up to the front scared, her mom followed, unlike Scarlett she was grinning. I'm pretty sure she made the principal chose her. Anyway, Scarlett sat down, her hair matched her hair, her hair was a Scarlett red. The length went down to about her lower back, it was put into a ponytail. The mom grabbed the scissors and chopped off the ponytail. She then moved out of the way so the stylist could finish the haircut. Scarlett ended up getting a popular hairstyle amongst the boys. She sobbed until her mom carried her out of there, screaming at her.

"The last girl; Sage Miller!" He called my name, tears rolled down my cheeks. I slowly walked up there, with my hair trailing behind me. My purple toned hair went to my ankles. Many things went through my mind, like how I was going to be bald, or maybe even turned into a boy.

I sat in the chair and while she tied me to it, she got the shaving stuff. She turns on the shaver, bzzzz. She goes right through the middle of my head, leaving a bald patch. She continues to shave my head, the bald patch getting bigger. She finishes with the buzzer and grabs another type of shaver. She puts on shaving cream and shaves more of my hair off. Finally I'm smooth on top, she rubs the permanent hair removal on my head. She takes the cream off my head and I go back into the audience.

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