chapter 32

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"Kari, Jack is nice guy, and he's the son of your dads business partner. He would be great for the family. So I have decided that you will be marrying him in a couple of days and moving in with him. You will listen to everything he says. Got it?" Mom said. What? I can't move in with a guy I haven't even met.. "Got it, mother.." I said.

She prepared the wedding. I got married two days later. Jack was now my husband and I was his wife. I was to listen to him. Anything he wanted I would do.

"Kari!! Come here!" Jack shouted from our room. I walked into the room. He had a brush. "Can I brush your hair?" He asked. I nodded. I sat on our bed. He slowly started to brush a section of my hair. The piece right next to my face. He quickly finishes and grabs another section. He brush through half of my head quickly and moves on too the other side. "It's so soft Kari." He complimented. I smiled. He brushed through the rest of my hair. "Jack, im hungry." I said. "Let's go have some lunch." He said. We both got up from the bed and headed to the kitchen.

I sat down at the table. He started to prepare something for us to eat. I heard him open a drawer behind me. He pulled something out. Eh, must be utensils or something. I endlessly scrolled on my phone. Jack quickly grab a chunk of my hair close to the root. He chopped it off with the kitchen scissors. I touched my head near what he cut off. My eyes widened. "Jack, what did you do..?" I asked. He smirked. "Im bored of your hairstyle, I think I should have a choice." he said. Tears flowed from my eyes.

"Your mother said you must listen to me. Now sit in the stool and don't move." He shouted. He chose some short haircut off of his phone to make me have. He grabbed part of my hair and cut it to desired length.

He grabbed another piece of my hair, and chopped it off with the kitchen scissors. He put the handful of hair in my lap. He had cut off at least 32 inches of my hair. He was smiling as he cut off more of my hair. All I could hear was my hair being chopped down into a short 3 inches if im lucky. I was sobbing as he cut a front piece. It couldn't even hang down to touch my nose.

The piece was barely at eye view, making me shed more tears. He cut the other side to about the same length. I could barely breathe from all of my crying. I stared down at the floor as he took another piece and cut it to the short length. My hair was shorter than his! He took the the piece right by my ear. He cut it at the top of my ear. It was just touching my ear, it was super short.

He was ruthless with the scissors. He kept cutting the sections. The snips were loud and clear to me. It would be obvious to anyone that I did not want this haircut. In fact, it was so bad they would know it was forced at home. The kitchen scissors cut choppy and uneven, yet he kept cutting. He was proud of what he had done so far. When I saw him smile and I started to cry more.

He continued cutting section by section. I tried to get away from him. It only made it worse. He took some rope and tied me to the chair. Making sure to cut more off then he did before. He cut off an inch or two extra. He grabbed my hair and cut it in a ponytail. Then he went to grab something.

"Kari, I have changed my mind. I think I want you to have a shaved head. It will look much better than this rats nest. Trust me, it's worse than you think." He said.

He came back with his shaving kit. Inside it was clippers, shaving cream, and a smaller type of shaver. He took out his clippers. He plugged them into the wall and flipped on the switch. He took the guard off of them. He places it at my nape. I felt the buzz at the back of my head. I start crying more. I know im gonna be bald after this. He dragged the clippers from my nape up to my crown. He then moved the clippers right at my hairline down the middle. He continued going across my head. I sobbed. My long waist length hair was gone.

I cried harder when he went around my ears touching it up. He then rubbed shaving cream into my head. He grabbed his razor and started to make my head smooth. I sobbed as it stung. He next put shaving cream on my eyebrows. I screamed as I realized what was coming. I squeezed my eyes shut and sobbed as he took the razor to my eyebrows.  A scraping sensation when over both of my eyebrows. It was over. I had no hair left on my head, no eyebrows, no nothing.

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